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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Gonna flop, hard. Will have more lies tho, as always.
  2. 80 hour weeks & 100k is basically 50k and a shit ton of OT. That’s awful either way you look at it.
  3. Wow most don’t make shit lol, who woulda thought.
  4. I’m not too familiar with the battery industry but this shit needs some large scale next gen type shit. Batteries hold everything portable (smartphone, gaming, wireless headphones, laptops, anything really) back and (if programmed correctly) restricts software. The next gen of batteries will blow shit open, but they just degrade at such a high rate in today’s world. It’s not even so much about the length of a charge but rather the fact they’ll inevitably go to shit. Every launch switch will be required to be docked in 5 years or so interesting article on potential future tech:
  5. RE4 was the last RE game. Specifically, the GCN version.
  6. Sold out everywhere doesn’t mean it’s available, lol. Switch has legit been sold out for the last 3 months.
  7. The game looks like trash on any system. This is literally Gamepass level quality.
  8. It’s the complete opposite of empty. There is something cool behind every corner, top of every mountain, and at the lowest of the rivers.
  9. Was still an amazing game. The shrines are basically tutorials, I don’t care so much about the dungeons as we got a truly open world which wasn’t done on this scale before. The world had so many fun things to explore... I might go back and play some more today
  10. It has a 100% better world than another open world games. Way more in depth combat. Requires more skill than the Witcher, and is just the most fun I’ve ever had in an adventure game by a large margin.
  11. Both back up to the Godly Switch
  12. I have a Xbox and PC you fool. Games trash either way.
  13. The motive was to make you lose your shit, and I exceed. Big time.
  14. It’s already been proved, and you admitted you ignored the proof skitzo retard
  15. struck a nerve with this skitzo retard
  16. The re-reviews are stupid. Just reviews by fanboys of the games.
  17. Already posted proof, sit down incel
  18. Exactly the point. I wasn’t saying YOU say it every year, I’m saying it is said every year.
  19. Once the lootin starts, the shootin starts
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