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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Why are we telling you how to make money w the site Cooke? You splitting the profits?
  2. A front page that is basically n4g should work
  3. You sound like a man w no game bro. Not sure what else to tell you. They’re just girls man. lol that status is in your head
  4. Lol women aren’t whores any less then men. Why do you care if a woman has fucked mad dudes if she doesn’t have diseases? This isn’t high school anymore lmao
  5. Lol @DynamiteCop! and @SheepKilla being against hooking up with women
  6. Having a wife and family is mad overrated, I have no desire for children
  7. Lol whatever you say, I’m not out here making posts against “hook up culture” lmfao
  8. I have fucked well over 175 women in my life. That’s not even a brag bc as a mid 30s man I’ve left a lot on the table. What numbers y’all at? 5? Lol tf. Weirdos.
  9. Neither of you fuck. Lol who the fuck is against hook up culture?
  10. Yes no shit. You want it to be illegal for it to be ANYONES choice. So basically you are saying that you WANT that hoe to have the baby and you WANT to pay child support. All in the name of Jesus. Lmao! But you are corrrxt, it’s up to her, as it should be. But a guy can still try to persuade her. You’re tryna to fuck the bros more than the hoes, 9/10 girls want the child bc of the way they’re wired.
  11. Abortion saves the man just as many times as it saves a woman, you’re tryna fuck over dudes too
  12. What values do you have bro? Envision this you go to the bar tonight, get drunk a fuck a girl. Don’t hear from her again Youre dating a new girl now, and you REALLY like her... two months later girl from the bar tells you she’s pregnant, but she doesn’t want to be with you. She wants that check tho. She also lives 6 states away now so you’ll never see the kid. You want this broad to have this child?
  13. God this site is so much better without jerry @Remij_ for admin
  14. I don’t know how republicans truly feel on immigration, I just don’t think anyone should be able to illegally live here. They can all come, just go through the process
  15. @DynamiteCop! @SheepKilla youre tellin me the next girl y’all fuck... she gets knocked up, you are forcing her to have the baby? yall Wild
  16. Guess I’m a murderer. I murder that pussy on the reg anyhow.
  17. I am all for my girl having an abortion rn if she was pregnant. I don’t want a fucking child
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