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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. lynux3

    9.2 TF

    PS4 had worse AF at launch compared to Xbox One.
  2. lynux3

    9.2 TF

    Well then I guess casuals do buy consoles at launch.
  3. lynux3

    9.2 TF

    Are you buying XSX at launch?
  4. lynux3

    9.2 TF

    $599.99 XSX is dead in the water.
  5. lynux3

    9.2 TF

    If PS5 comes in at $399.99 and XSX at $499.99 it's pretty much over. Casuals don't care about numbers, they care about pricing and games. Though, I think both are going to be $499.99.
  6. It's going to be hilarious when Microsoft starts pumping out 5s and 6s; then dries up 2-3 years before the end of the generation... just like with Xbox 360 and just like now with Xbox One.
  7. Yeah, it didn't fit their budget. SImple as that.
  8. It was to keep costs low and was the best middle ground for their application. There is no "reduction" here because there was nothing set in stone in the first place. Cost reduction would be putting 6GB of GDDR6 @ 192bit.
  9. Oh I will definitely keep laughing. Can't wait to see the disappointment on your face... just like when I bitch slapped you about backwards compatibility.
  10. Because that was the best way to marry 12 channels and the NAND flash.
  11. There's no such thing as being caught off guard. These decisions were set in stone years ago. But I was laughing at the stupid secret sauce you keep hyping. I like how the guy dodged your question about whether it was "excoosive to mfst ". Microsoft already released the specification for their SSD, it's not getting any better. 2.4GB/s raw and 4.8GB/s compressed.
  12. Lemmings, for fuck sake don't look.
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