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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. I need to play Subsistance, Snake Eater left a really bad taste in my mouth.
  2. been playing a shit load of skyward sword, just beat the mining facility. good god the level design is absolutely genius. There were so many times I was stuck and had to think through many things. It's like the whole surface world feels like a giant dungeon before you actually enter the real dungeon, it just blends together so well. From what I've played so far the boss battles feel so much more satisfying and are quite challenging, along with the epic music this is probably the most challenging zelda game to date as well, I barely made it out alive in some of the boss fights, and i've die
  3. The game really picks up when you're at the Vampires castle. Have you gotten SS yet? Game owns hard. nah. i'm not that far. only at the end of chapter 2 (i think). game leaves a good first impression but it just drags on and on. i will just quit if i get bored. it wouldn't be the first time i've done that (actually i do it quite often). i found the game to drag a bit in the beginning, but then i found myself playing it non stop after killing the vampire lord. the last titan was really cool too and the ending was a big WTF
  4. The game really picks up when you're at the Vampires castle. Have you gotten SS yet? Game owns hard.
  5. Not surprising zwarrior hates the best poster on this site
  6. did someone gift you a napkin full of snot lately or what? That's a delicacy where he lives. Good source of glycoproteins I guess
  7. did someone gift you a napkin full of snot lately or what?
  8. true, wasn't sure about the purple, done How long does it take you to dye your hair? LMAO
  9. It's been so long since I last played Layton, I think it was the diabolical box ;(
  10. Gears of War 3 and BF3 beta. Can't wait for Dark Souls and Rage
  11. Yeah it's tough playing long games especially since we're not little kids anymore.
  12. gears 3 mp as well, will be selling it after DS comes out
  13. I finished 2 of the 4 dungeons for Samael, really enjoying it.
  14. Darksiders owns. LoS gets better once you reach the vampires castle
  15. space marine is one of the most generic pieces of shit i've ever played. LoS shits all over it lmfao
  16. The large areas are meant for exploration though I can see why you wouldn't like it, but at least the game rewards you exploration and some times you will find rare items or sometimes a really nice scenery that looks like an entire level itself. The level are so vast because it is trying to emulate the scale and size of the actual Bionis which gives a sense of how huge it is. It's much better then a menu overworld and the fact that you can explore almost everything gives you a less restricted view of the game. It's also not very empty either, there's animals and enemies almost everywhere you g
  17. that pretty much sums up my feelings. im still playing it but only in like 30min-1 hour chunks. edit: just encountered a boss thats a much higher level than me. Im pretty much forced to grind if i want to have any chance of beating it. Im fucking done with this game. I don't understand how one can like MH3 then not like this. I hardly ever do any grinding, just fight along the way when doing side quests and look for new locations. The game rewards you EXP, AP, and SP for almost everything. Plus fighting tough battles rewards you powerful weapons making the boss fights easy. It's all
  18. I'm nearing the end now in Xenoblade and this is by far the most epic game I've played this gen, hell one of the most of all time.
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