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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Yup... Sony will still be pushing hardware exclusives. No day and date games with PC
  2. Smart to spell that out plainly for future titles instead of leaving it ambiguous.
  3. Smart of them not to release the AAA games day and date with the PC port.
  4. No Numb Nuts, I've already explained why it's superior jn this very thread. More stable frame rate plus better animations make the Switch version superior. Do I have to repeat why it's superior everytime when I already said why in this very thread multiple times? I'm not desperate for a win, I made a comment about the Switch version having a more stable frame rate and you and your feeble minded lemming brothers can't handle that fact Why does it bother you soo much bro? .... are you OK?
  5. Actually you two seem so bothered. I made a comment about the Switch version being superior (which it is) and the lemmings went into a tizzy fit
  6. It seems to bother you. It runs slightly better on the Switch. Get over it and move on. You will survive this....
  7. People noticed the better animation and the better Frame rate the first DAY the demo was available on Switch Why does it bother you so much that Ori runs slightly better on Switch? are you ok?
  8. that explains why he can't see Ultra HD content on his phone.... its not supported by Netflix on his phone
  9. You are a feeble minded lemming for real. The Switch version running better than the Xbox1 is the end of the world for you? ... damn bro seek help. The game runs good on Xbox1 as well... its just that the Switch version runs better.
  10. Your level of denial is unhealthy LemiJ. The Switch has the superior version with better animations and a more stable frame it. Deal with it
  11. That's not the point you dense Ox. The Xbox1 version runs great as well. It's just that the Switch version is more stable. Both can be true feeble minded lemming
  12. When all else fails.. LemiJ brings up another unrelated thread.... just like a true lemming. Too bad that failed too
  13. That's still more stable than the Xbox1 version... just like I said. Xbox1 drops to 57 fps.... bbbbut teh same
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