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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. BLM started off with good intentions but has been taken over by actual communists that want to destroy western civilization. Obama was fine mostly, don't have a lot of bad things to say about him. He didn't give up to the hype but that's about it.
  2. It's interesting that's how you think. It could have been any president left or right and my thoughts would have been the same. I've called Trump every expletive in the book. Hilary is a twat, Trump is a lying sleazy psychopathic cunt. See how that works? Joe Biden is an old as fuck career politician who's never had a real job and suffers from dementia Trump is a self obsessed childish buffoon who riles up his sycophant army with his dog whistling racist remarks. See gouk, it's not hard to think beyond simply being left and right. Stop being so
  3. You should be censored for false information. Go ahead and find me praising Trump. Please do it. The only time I've ever said anything remotely good about his presidency was him not starting new wars. That's it.
  4. Im not the one bumping threads and @ing people to "win gotcha points" nitric. Seems like some fragile egos to me.
  5. Holy fuckface. My main concern was CENSORSHIP AND HYPOCRISY. God damn you're a dense queef.
  6. Calm your hairy man titties gouk. Grandpa is gonna save you.
  7. Cooke

    A new tune

  8. Im sure he will. But Trump lost. It's Biden's turn to be a bumbling idiot backed by warhawk Republicans. Have fun 😁
  9. Oh here comes the "Alt right". People use that term when they actually don't want to argue a point. It's a shutdown tactic. No thanks. And I'm not referring to this one post. All you guys, pampers, goober, and you think I'm pro Trump. I'm pro something better, something lasting and meaningful. Not this divisive us vs them race bait bullshit.
  10. The funny thing is, you think I'm pro Trump. You're just like GWB when he said you're either with us or against us. You're hypocritical scum.
  11. It's a legitimate question. Biden is the oldest person to ever assume office.
  12. Aww honey, sorry if I made you think beyond shallow politics for a minute
  13. Lesbian dance theory won't help you win at life Jehurey. There's a reason you haven't made a life for yourself yet and you're in your thirties. Remember when I asked you if you self actualize? You said yes, but obviously that was a lie.
  14. You're a parody of someone who thinks he's intelligent. You think you have all the answers but you just talk and talk and talk until the other person gets bored so you pretend to win... .. . .... .. . i love how ... i love when .... /. see when you make your posts as annoying as that no one reads them.
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