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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Posts posted by Quad Damage

  1. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Necrobumping is weird because you actually contribute and discuss almost nothing, your presence on the forum and contribution is near non-existent but you spend a great deal of time in the background digging things up on people. That's fucking weird.


    Posting at a high frequency with regular interaction is not. 


    yeah especially when your ass gets blasted, thats when it just gets downright eerie :hest: 

  2. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    I'm not sure how a high post count in a short period of time is some kind of insult. 


    im not sure how necro bumping is an insult. its not even exclusive to sw, but a FORUM tradition since forever.



    you and jons post per day ratio tho is just obsessive and weird as fuck. yall literally working here.


    jon literally said "everyone posts about me i cant stop" :jordan3:

  3. 27 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I told you the guy is weird as fuck. 


    25 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    He's been weird as fuck for ever , but how he remembers everything I say and makes a tab of jonb is beginning to get a little creepy :D


    never see this guy talk about games but he has a favorites folder with everything me and you say ROFL


    13k posts in 14 months


    14k posts in 14 months


    all straight astroturfing without a paycheck


    cant debate the topic


    cant dc past dumbo behavior


    cant take any heat whatsoever




    all you 2 dumbos have left is this new "youre weird" personal attack and repping each other every day  :hest: 


    • Haha 1
  4. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    It's not objective when you know that Xbox One is not the primary review platform this generation and the default extends above the amount of reviews it typically receives. You're a piece of shit intentionally trying to omit relevant games on a technicality which you can and refuse to change. 


    Kill yourself. 


    the purpose of this thread is to get snapshot of the two years' exclusive experiences, so  it being/not being "primary review platform" for multiplatform games doesnt factor in this at all. youre trying to kill the messenger here, and dont even know why.

  5. 5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I call you out not because of their methodology but rather your own stupidity for continuing to derive content from their methodology. 




    you call out the 20 review prerequsite, so your issue is squarely with the site. im just the messenger, taking it up with me isnt going to enact change. 

  6. 28 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You keep using that default "With At Least: 20 Reviews" metric knowing full well that most games are not reviewed on the platform therefore are excluded from this arbitrary list. 


    I've called you out on this like three or four times over the last year and a half and you still do it. 


    first off, its not what *i* use, its what *the site* defaults to. secondly, for the purposes of getting a snapshot at the platform's exclusives - or in the case of xbox, fauxclusives - this prerequisite does just that.


    not sure why you continue to call me out when the only way to have your voice heard is to shoot an email to the sites owner, cbsinteractive. :pavarotti:

  7. 4 hours ago, Jon2B said:

    So you googled the anniversary ? Lol 


    3 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Psychos, the lot of you... Why are you keeping dibs on this...


    actually theres threads on this on resetera and gaf, from which people regularly poach topics from, crybaby bitches :hest: 

  8. 3 hours ago, madmaltese said:

    Dyno never even has time to recover from being wrong as he is usually already on to the next ridiculous delusion by that time. In this case, MS acquiring Insomniac :mj:

    and when that gets proved wrong he'll just say he wasn't the one that tweeted it yet his dumb ass always falls for it :D


    also: “why are you bumping this, youre weird :wrists::hest: 

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