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NES games causing Ghosting on the Ditch Screen

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4 minutes ago, jehurey said:

lol no. you are still showing a picture of the OS overlay


if at any point, when navigating the OS, if those pixels go away, like when moving icons around..........then its not burn in.


show me a photo of the switch as its being turned on and the start up screen hasn't shown yet, but the backlight is turned on.

Stop trying to spin this you fanboy retard, it's being reported by multiple people and they're squaring down software titles that are causing it. People are launching and running other games, restarting their systems and letting them sit and these display effects are persisting.  


You're doing exactly what Jon said some retard would do. Instead of trying to talk around this you should be thinking "What shouldn't I be doing so I don't fuck my Switch or TV up'




27 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

This is what the sheep get. They deserve it. They'll defend too.


Edited by DynamiteCop!
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Do you translate the stuff on this forum into Mandarin, before translating it back into English before you read it?

This is what the sheep get. They deserve it. They'll defend too.

lol, lemmings are melting down.   i like how that screen burn in doesn't occur over the actual icons.

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

Stop trying to spin this you fanboy retard, it's being reported by multiple people and they're squaring down software titles that are causing it. People are launching and running other games, restarting their systems and letting them sit and these display effects are persisting.  


You're doing exactly what Jon said some retard would do. 



funny you don't show those screenshots.


I love how you guys are now not backing up what you are claiming............and getting mad. LOL

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

Go look at the thread you dumbass. 

so you can't prove it.


and now you're going to spend more time typing without proving it..........than if you had simply proved it.


yeah, that's what I figured.

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Just now, jehurey said:

so you can't prove it.


and now you're going to spend more time typing without proving it..........than if you had simply proved it.


yeah, that's what I figured.

No I'm just going to put you on ignore again because talking to you serves no function, you're a waste of bandwidth and brain cells. 

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

No I'm just going to put you on ignore again because talking to you serves no function, you're a waste of bandwidth and brain cells. 

aaaaaaaaaand he ran away that quickly.


But he is right about one thing. That's some powerful burn-in, its so powerful that somebody connected their switch to a second display and it burn-in the pixels on that display, apparently instantaneously. LOL

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Just now, jehurey said:

i love it how they can't back up their claims, and are now just trying to laugh it off. LOL


here comes more of the fake confidence.

Yes , you ignore the proof posted ITT.


This is more real than your fake audience LOLOL

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Just now, Jon2B said:

lmao Jerry claiming fake news LOL


Then again, how is he going to know...he doesn't play games

lol, i've scared jonb onto another topic.


...........because he doesn't know how to defend the topic of this thread. LOL

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Just now, jehurey said:

lol, i've scared jonb onto another topic.


...........because he doesn't know how to defend the topic of this thread. LOL

You scared yourself to a different topic. Because you know you cant win this one LOLoLLL



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Just now, Jon2B said:

Yes , you ignore the proof posted ITT.


This is more real than your fake audience LOLOL

and i explained how the pixels do not bleed in over the icons in two different shots. which means that it isn't burn-in.


also dynocrap showed a screenshot of a switch screen being displayed on a second screen, which SHOULDN'T have any burnt pixels. The fact that its displaying pixels means that its a screen overlay problem, because how can the second screen also be burned in?


seems like you are ignoring that proof. LOL

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Just now, Jon2B said:

The one your on RIGHT now.



And what topic would that be?


You still haven't answered it.

1 minute ago, Jon2B said:

SO you admitted ITT that you don't play DITCH and that you agree this burn in is happening. You should have stayed pretending to play your nephews ditch LOL

Really where did I admit that I don't play the switch?


No.........I said that the burn in is NOT happening................because if you notice the game icons don't have any messed up pixels.


If it was burn in, you would see discolored pixels on those areas as well.


And his other photo of the screen being displayed on a second monitor also has discolored pixels....................but how could the second monitor have IMMEDIATE burn-in?  That completely undermines the claim that its burn-in.


Its a screen overlay problem, specifically for that gray screen area.

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jonb and deeno seem so happy that I feel bad to rain on their little happy moment (they don't get many), but it's officially NOT burn in:





Switching to 4:3 or pixel perfect mode causes it to go away pretty much instantly. Seems like a strange bug with the filter. Still ridiculous it got through testing somehow and released this way but seems like an easy fix for those effect and a simple patch fix to permanently fix the problem



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