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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Yeah Zone of Enders PS2 and 4K on Pro look the same. Resolution isnt everything but its a factor, now that we hit such high resolutions though its NOT that much of factor. 480p->720p for consoles was life changing. 1080p-> 4K not so much.
  2. LOL What.A remaster? They added a third Catherine, new route, adding new story, levels, new endings. Remaster my ass. Two years of dev time as well.
  3. How did they even come up with an idea like this. What's the thought process behind this.
  4. Also lol @ this thread Nintendo lost REmake, and none of their systems even have an HD port. Neither Killer 7 HD or an HD version of RE4.
  5. The Furi print of Switch will worth half your X and as well Night Trap. Stfu. There are tons of limited prints that aren't "forced".
  6. They're going to drop legacy shit holding PSN back on the server side. Fresh new start for PSN.
  7. Bayonetta 2 feels like it had a troubled development. Its pathetically short compared to the OG, terrible boss designs with flying negating all your normal abilities making them pointless. It's nowhere near God of War, and that's from a person that thought OG Bayo shit all over GOW3. Now Bayonetta 3 with a budget and time is another thing.
  8. And what niche games, or limited prints does XBox have? Due to gamepass first party games have shit resell value. What is there to collect on XBox? Multiplats on PS4 and PC? Lmao.
  9. "Like I said the PS5 will be a lot more than just more powerful hardware. Heard a few rumors Sony might be working on a big infrastructure/platform update for PSN in time for PS5. They're not resting on their laurels when it comes to cloud it seems."
  10. Bodycount is right through Gears, Forza or Halo are worth like 5 bucks in the used retail market. Literally a collectors paperweight.
  11. "Studio Zero's Hashino here. We finally announced the release date! We finished up feeling good, so please enjoy it! In the dev room, we're currently prepping the first-print purchase bonuses. At TGS we'll announce an unlikely collab."
  12. The twisted irony of XBawks being Xcluded. Must be a burn after the 360.
  13. Even Bodycount can't take the endless racing games being half the XBox line up lol.
  14. LOL This is 100% true. For a collector the 32X and SegaCD have more value.
  15. Anyways going to invite her to where I live so we walk around the park a bit, go to the store get some food she knows best, so she can cook at my house. Yes that's the game plan.
  16. The counseling center at University of Maryland, College Park sponsors a group called "White Awake" -- it's a weekly meet-up for white students who want to better understand race and ask questions to be better "allies" for minorities. But a flier advertising the group is earning criticism for being tone-deaf and vague. "Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable and confused before, during or after interactions with racial and ethnic minorities?" the flier asks. The counseling center has decided to discontinue the ad -- though it is not shutting down the group. "We agree with the feedback th
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