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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. It’s actually bizarre. I mean it’s awful she died, but I can’t say a taser would have done anything and there is no police Manual in the country that says go to hand to hand combat with someone wielding a knife. The lies being told about this one are just flat out sickening though.
  2. So some more details are trickling in, not sure how accurate tho. her aunt said makhia called the cops, but the 911 call is saying someone is trying to stab people. Only makhia had a knife the aunt said makhia had dropped the knife prior to the shooting, another lie. there was no girls coming to jump makhia. They all lived in a foster home (scene of the shooting) and got into a fight. This was a foster.. domestic dispute. the girl in the pink.. if she was the initial aggressor, she surely wasn’t when the cops came. When they arrived she was standing a
  3. It’s okay, I played a few rounds ui somehow makes ea’s seem fast tho
  4. Yeah, the girl in the pink was standing alone to the right when the cop showed up. Ma’khai wrestled on the ground with another chick (who gets kicked in the dome by some random dude), gets up and goes to stab the pink chick. It’s heartbreaking that it happened but I don’t see how the cop did anything wrong.
  5. So where it COULD get dicey (not for the cop imo, but the other girls) if they were there to jump Her (big if), and were on ma’khais “property”, doesn’t she have a stand your ground argument? Prob out the window when the cop came tho?
  6. I think it’s more so that most of these games just aren’t worth $60.
  7. So I’m not so sure I believe anything the family is saying. They’re saying Makiah called 911, but they also said she dropped the knife before the shooting. Clearly a lie. also - the 911 call says “a girl is trying to stab us”, but the only one with a knife is makiah. makiah also lived in foster care, but seemed to be a really nice area. Perhaps irrelevant, but does anyone know if that was actually her house? And if she’s in foster care, why was her aunt there? Visiting perhaps? I don’t know.....
  8. I wouldn’t be surprised if 30 mil was hit by September.
  9. pretty decent growth, I think it was around 19 in December
  10. Some people are saying the cops should have let her stab the other girl... here’s the video for context...
  11. At least Xbox owners didn’t have to push out 70+ To know it’s a shit game
  12. everyone outside of their supporters saw thru the lies.
  13. Cows ITT celebrating their once exclusive, annual top seller is now a trash game.. holy fuck does Xbox have them rattled
  14. This was some of the wildest shit I’ve ever seen tbh
  15. Snoop straight wylding Pete Davison rippin cigs what an odd sight lol
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