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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Do you deny anything posted in the OP or are you just baiting, kiddo?
  2. 1 - 667GB available space 2 - 2-10 hr battery DS 3 - Spider-Man 7 hrs 4 - Massive glitch - MM 5 - No VRR 6 - No SSD expansion available 7 - No 1440p 8 - No quick resume 9 - BC loads faster on XSX 10 - Can't move ps5 game to external drive 11 - PS5 faking 120FPS
  3. So the S is weaker than the One X in may respects, and the games look worse than One X games.
  4. When it’s charged. Meaning it’s good for... 4 hours.
  5. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=fr&nv=1&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.fr&sl=fr&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://www.presse-citron.net/comparatif-graphismes-xbox-series-s-xbox-one-x/&usg=ALkJrhh3Ed2zJ-ph7415G1oZIhS9xM4CMQ lmfao. Worse than the one x!
  6. Wow more tired rhetoric from Cooke. Dementia impacted Joe would still be a better president than Trump, lmfao. Harris would be a blessing to this country, one I’m not sure if the rednecks of Arkansas are ready for.. but one I AM ready for.
  7. Um, that’s it? Not the fact that it only has 640gb of storage and this cannot be expanded in any way? You can’t use external hdds to store games. The controller lasts 4 hrs. It’s slower than xsx, the same price, and the size of a house. Lol.
  8. I didn’t know people still used ringtones lolol
  9. So if it uses the features they advertised it only last 3-4 hrs? Lmao
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