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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. It doesn’t matter what the intent was. It’s a gathering of 10+ people. Should they all receive citations?
  2. Even with you’re contradicting argument, far from the truth. all while gatherings of 10+ were prohibited. Should the leaders be arrested?
  3. THEN CREATE YOUR OWN THREAD. Jesus bro, let it go. We are laughing at the video in the OP, no one gives a fuck about what you’re rambling on about.
  4. We aren’t discussing your footage. We are discussing the OP.
  5. That is old news. We’re taking about the video in the OP. @Twinblade @-GD-
  6. All she was doing was organizing a protest. If you think that’s stupid, imagine Trump arresting all of the Blmantifa leaders.
  8. It doesn’t matter, the point of this video is to laugh at their overreaction.
  9. “Uh, you’re not taking my phone” same response I would have had. fuck that, and people think USA is a facist country
  10. Even the news reporter “but this truck got through and kinda, almost HIT MOST PEOPLE! they weren’t even looking!”
  11. This is actually one of the funniest videos I have ever fucking seen. LMAOOOOO
  12. LMFAO that dude didn’t give a fuck. Got out of his and tried to pump gas
  13. Don’t recall Trump saying, “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”
  14. Don’t recall Trump saying, “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”
  15. Little confused by this as they have free shipping now for most items I thought. Now I’d have to pay $98 a year to have free delivery on orders $35+? Or perhaps that’s just groceries and shit. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/walmart-plus-membership-debuts-september-15-040112184.html no check outs is interesting. Sam’s does it currently.
  16. If we’re talking about Goff, it isn’t a “would you have intercepted” thread because we all know it would have been picked.
  17. Not a fan of that patch but those look nice. What do the home ones look like? I liked the yellow ones a few years back... are they ditching the baby blue? tbh tho, Goff looks good in no jersey.
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