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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chicano3000

  1. I can't find any torrent sites anymore ever since thepiratebay got shut down...
  2. Haha, I remember jailbreaking my PSP and downloading a beat making homebrew. It was amazing. I made myself a ringtone.
  3. My first phone was in high school. It was basically a nokia brick. Small but had a cool feature that allowed me to create my own ringtone. Literally had a piano editor. It was just beeps in different tones. But I made the sound from “nuthin but a g thing”. I became the coolest kid on the bus that day...
  4. lol, I remember illegal operations. I used tot think that I somehow broke the law...
  5. Fuck, I only got 2 G's and I can't afford rabies...
  6. Back then it was just a fuckin' frontier. So much crazy shit posted. When I was gone, from SW, I've spent most of my spare time online time on Reddit. Gotta than that "LMAO fuckin' hipsters" thread for helping me discover reddit. But damn, sites like reddit, facebook, and twitter just made the online experience seem like a mess. I came back because I did miss the more personal experience of actually knowing other posters online rather than random strangers.. But yeah, the net is all sterile and corporate now...
  7. It's weird, I don't know any of you guys IRL, but SW did feel like some dysfunctional family. Like we've talked alot of shit, but had fun. And it does feel depressing knowing some posters are actually long one IRL..
  8. Time fuckin flies, and I've been in nostalgic mode(pretty sure you've noticed my threads). I guess Im trying to reflect on what went on, and how me and everyone else around me changed... 2009 I moved back to L.A., Shit was rough because it was during the recession and I had trouble finding a good job, so I ended up going to work at a Home Depot for a minute while going to college. I was mainly going for animation but also took a film class. I met some students who knew about a studio in NoHo(north hollywood). They took me to this old building that had a bunch of record
  9. Holyshit my GS account is still up. “Member since 2004”.. damn...
  10. Heh, I remember CaseyWegner. That was the main mod there I think.
  11. I know, it's like eye-crack. Hell yeah Far Cry is hard. And it runs like shit too.. However if I get a better PC later I might just buy it and forget to play it for a year...
  12. Im gonna end up playing it on a GeForce FX5200 ona Dell... It's gonna run like shit but my brother an I somehow manage to beat it. But I probably might have a chance to properly play it at it's full glory if it comes out on next gen consoles...
  13. That's because you jumped into the wrong timeline fool! We told you to meet us at the WW2 servers but now hitler won because we were 1 man short... Meet us at the bar when your done with the WW3 server. And the final boss is a bitch. Fuckin RoboTrump. Fuck whoever put him in that game...
  14. ya, could be. I saw this originally on reddit, and the OP commented saying that he'd upload a new vid. So time will tell... again...
  15. IDK, the whole Battle Royale mechanic just kind of grew on me.. To me it's just another game mode and an addition to the variety of games that we have. For me it's the one way I connect with my siblings since we no longer live under the same roof anymore. But yeah, it's an interesting mechanic. Wish we had that growing up. I liked PuBG since I got introduced to it after playing BF4 and the realistic gun mechanics got me into it. Apex took me a minute to get into but I really like the fast movement. Fortnite just looks dumb lol... Even my little brother thinks it's stupid.
  16. They did, but they realized they were using condomes not condoms... But it's cool that your here man. Someone needs to own the cows...
  17. little brother got me into apex legends.. Pretty fun, so much easier to get into than PuBG...
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