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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. Don't expect anything scary or horror from Dead Space 2, but damn the atmosphere, sound, set-pieces and action are all crazy. There's one part where you're a train and you gotta run through it while a bunch of necros are coming after you, then the train breaks apart and you gotta sky dive into the next one, it was nuts. The zero-gravity levels owned hard too.

  2. Finally got around to playing Persona 3 and after spending an hour and a half with it I feel like it's done nothing but waste my fuckin' time. The only gameplay I've gotten is moving my cursor to select a response. If this game is seriously nothing but a cheesy high school sim then tell me now so I can send this shit back to GF. I thought this was suppose to be an RPG...

    Keep playing, game will change your way of life by the end.
  3. Did the first case in Phoenix Wright and am playing through MGS1, still have Stacking to play just haven't felt like sitting infront of the TV </3

    how are u liking pw? btw, the first case is more like a tutorial than anything else. the second case and on = :love:From what I played I liked it but I haven't played much more than the first case. Been playing TF2 again. The last case in PW will blow your mind.
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