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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I'm playing the waiting game for Zelda and Mario land 3d :]
  2. working on completing gta 5 100% playing lone survivor (awesome game) i wish i had more time to play games. it's like i'm lucky if i can get 5 hours a week. all will be better once my home improvements are completed. my gaming pc should be back up and running this week
  3. Yeah, it's supposed to be one of those "special experience" games, like Journey. didn't it flop hard though? i think you're thinking of brothers.
  4. yeah, if you avoid the gimmicks, it's actually entertaining. the tilt + analog aim is actually really good. surprisingly, it's the most open uncharted, in that you have time to explore without being constantly thrown into a cinematic sequence.
  5. I got to play gta 5 for an hour and a half today. I'm finally doing the side stuff. Feels good being back in Los Santos
  6. Ps+ I've been super busy, so I haven't played anything in two weeks :(
  7. daaamn. looks nice! are you enjoying the single player? also, what gpu are you using? getting good performance?
  8. his costume looked cool. i didn't know that paying a perfectly warranted compliment was an act of sucking off. i will be more aware of my future actions.
  9. I'll give it another try one day. Maybe I'll like it more with a controller (used kb+m)
  10. Outlast sucks. Hide n' seek horror games And mike you should see how much better titles like farcry 3, metro last light, sleeping dogs, and infinite look on the PC.
  11. Ghost trick is excellent! I highly recommend the room, badland, and rayman jungle run.
  12. I figured as much. I will try and do everything the game has to offer. I just love the characters and world.
  13. Finished the campaign. That was a fun fucking ride! Now it's time to 100% the game
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