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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. i got bored too :( though i enjoy just fucking aorund.
  2. haven't been home much..so mainly ds. kirby canvas curse and professor layton.
  3. very under appreciated gem. some damn good puzzles. I haven't got far enough in it to say if this applies to Trace Memory but the thing I really liked about Hotel Dusk was how the game used the DS's features with the puzzles. I think that's one of the reasons why I like Hotel Dusk more than Layton IMO. Hopefully Trace Memory is like that. oh yeah..trace memory was actually the first game to do what hotel dusk did. you will see what i mean later into it.
  4. rosscharted 2, layton 1, and dirt 2 tried playing siren for the 3rd time. the game makes me dizzy. i don't know why.
  5. Mass Effect 2 is just beyond godly. I really don't see how Bioware and EA will top it. ME 2 is Probably the number 3 best game of all time behind Fallout 3 and Final Fantasy Tactics. they could have more mission variety. that's about it though. me2 was fantastic.
  6. played wipeout fury and rossharted 2 today. man...you forget how godly rossharted 2 looks when you don't touch it for a bit. simply gorgeous.
  7. hahaha ok. i will play this for the wii once i get it back and finish galaxy 2.
  8. hmm..i should try that. should i play the first than that? or does it not matter?
  9. it's funny...i crave uc2 every couple of months. i just enjoy the whole feel of the game.
  10. gonna try to get into siren. also want to play more world of goo and a little uc2.
  11. i do admit that siren had pretty sick atmosphere (what i played of it)
  12. i modded my sister's..though she and her boyfriend have it at the moment. they are playing galaxy 2. i'll get it back eventually. i think i'm finally gonna give siren a real try this time.
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