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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. 😐 Most searched =/= most popular.
  2. You literally brought up Jerry first and when I call you out for trying to pin his argument on me... You're asking me why I brought him up? U ok Kid?
  3. That ownage will amount to the samething as DynamiteCop saying the Switch will fall off a cliff by Dec 2017. Switch falls of a cliff in 2024..."see guys. I WAS RIGHT"
  4. Not when you're trying to sell over 100 million consoles each gen. MS did day and date because they had no choice. Sony already laid out the road map for this.. No need to speculate.
  5. It's a trailer for a game that's been out for 2 years.... Yet you're hyped to see it You cared enough to keep making threads..... Years later... As if this was new news
  6. Actually you brought up Jerry initially because you tried to pin the streaming claim to me. And no, you're not sticking to your original claim... You're sticking to your post discussion qualifier of "Bbbut by the end of the gen"....
  7. No need to. Sony current strategy which they laid out is working. Release new games on PlayStation first, once it reaches its sales threshold etc.. Port it to PC and reap the benefits of double dippers + the PC only crowd. That's gravy on top. Remember MS did day and date with PC because their games weren't selling well on Xbox. Sony doesn't have that problem.
  8. You already stated it more than a year ago, yet here you are again acting as if it's new news.... Making the same thread about the game over and over is hype
  9. Falling back to your end of the gen post initial discussion qualifier Sony already laid of their plans for PC years ago.. So far they have stuck to it ro a T. You and Jerry both had your separate delusional spin on it... You both can keep thinking that... I'm sticking to what I said from day 1, without any post discussion qualifiers
  10. Nah you're looking forward to playing it. This was known as coming to PC over a year ago. I laughed at your ass more than a year ago when you were hyped when it was announced for PC. More than a year later you make another thread AGAIN about it coming to PC... As if it was new news The fact that you made the same thread again more then a year later about the game coming to PC... As if it were a new announcement.. Shows how hyped you are
  11. Day 1 releases of new games genius. TLOU1 is not a new game no matter how you try to spin it. It's the 3rd re-release of a game that released on PS3.
  12. What metrics they used to determine popularity?
  13. Again, it was a timed exclusive. Me stating that is a fact. I was also laughing at you for celebrating getting a late port of it then... And now
  14. LemiJ resorting to making shit up. I didn't get involved in you and Jehurey's PSN Now merry go around. I always maintained old ports for PC.. As Sony said that from the start of the gen. Both you and Jerry added your own spin. Jerry with PSN now steaming and you with Day and date. TLOU1 is an old game, this is like the 3rs version of it... Not even going to argue with you about that... You're just being retarded as always
  15. The first two posts were lists of non ports.... Last I checked its not a port on Switch... The third post was for Ramza... He is a fan of the series and asked for recommendations.
  16. Yes, I've seen your recent "by the end of the gen" qualifier that you added after the fact.... the intial discussion on this was years ago... Your soft back peddle doesn't change anything. I called the old ports from day 1 TLOU1 is an old PS3 game. What's this the 3rd re release of this game.
  17. Let's take a second to realize LemiJ is celebrating getting Dead Premonition 2...
  18. SMTV is not confirmed for PC. Triangle Strategy is not confirmed either but given the previous game came a few years later.. PC will most like get a late ass port. Only unknowns were NMH3 and DP2.. Lol Have fun with that shit (DP2)
  19. Or like me who said PC will get years old ports, while you proclaimed day and date
  20. Outside of DP2... All those games he listed except NMH3 and SMTV were known Switch timed exclusives. Me personally I was never a fan of the first DP and it seems the 2nd game is trash. So, I mean if you guys want to celebrate getting deadly premonition 2 by all means celebrate
  21. Not even a fan or hyped deadly premonition, but enjoy your old Switch port I guess
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