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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. I doubt they have Doom Enternal Switch footage ready. Spyro, the rumored COD port and the rumored GTAV port. I have no clue either, just speculation.
  2. I expect some 3rd ports for the holiday season to be shown as well. Kinda like how they announced doom at this same Direct last year.
  3. Last year the surprise announcements were new games that weren't on Wiiu or a Switch before. They may show the games you mentioned, but the surprises if any... should be new games.
  4. They act as if the base XB1 console doesn't exist anymore.... even though the majority of the lemcels userbase game on OG XB1
  5. The game wasn't downgraded.... Crythre and DynamiteCop "bbbbbbut "
  6. - Final game has identical texture resolution to the E3 demo. The Spiderman suit material changed (E3 suit was glossy). An artistic change, not technical. - Per-pixel motion blur. Best implementation they've seen to date. Adjustable in-game. - No checkerboard rendering on PS4 Pro, uses temporal injection technique used in Ratchet and Clank. - Adaptive resolution on PS4 Pro. Ranges from 3456x1944 to 2560x1368. Hitting that low point is "extremely rare". Average resolution is 2816x1584. - Base PS4 also uses adaptive resolution. Most of the time it's 1080p but can hit 900p.
  7. While PUBG may not be dead per se. Fortnite did come and still uts thunder.
  8. Now he is admitting he said it (Holidays, Holiday Season and Christmas) but it was a synonym for Nov 1st to Nov 24th [emoji23]🤣[emoji23]🤣[emoji23] Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  9. I see we're making progress. He admitted the context of the thread was Nov and Dec. and now he just admitted that he said holidays. Baby steps but it's progress. Now there are only a few things left on the list that you said in the context of tge thread, Holiday season and Christmas. Go!! Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  10. He goes back again to showing posts a month after he changed his stance lol We learned something today folks when someone says Holidays, Holiday season and Christmas he simply means Nov 1st to the 24th Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  11. ohhh so after lying for pages and pages that the context of the thread discussion didn't include Dec you are now admitting that it did. lmfao. Now you still gotta explain to everyone how when you said Holidays, the Holidays season and Christmas that it excludes Dec. Go!! Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  12. The thread has run its course. DynamiteCop you can continue to lie ITT and dig yourself a deeper grave. Carry on. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  13. oh look now he is having a break down. You really can't handle being wrong can you? Everyone saw your lies. Everyone saw the dates, posts and links. Everyone else came to the same conclusion. and now this thread will live on forever in the Hall of shame. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  14. Apparently the holidays and the holiday season only refers to black Friday.. lol Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  15. We said the conversation included the Holidays. i.e. Nov, dec, black Friday, Christmas. You go on to show us the posts speaking about blackfriday... no one disputing black Friday was discussed we all agree on that. You're the only one trying to claim that Dec was not included in the discussion dispite the OP discussing Nov and Dec, despite your own posts discussing holiday season, holidays and Christmas. Everyone has seen your lies, Jonb1 your fellow lemming agreed you got owned. Remij came in and once he caught up with the thread agreed you were wrong. Yet you continue to lie. A few
  16. Why do you continue to lie? Everyone sees that you are lying, we have the posts, we have the time stamps and dates. Here is the OP of that Nov 20th thread. Oh look!!!, BH talks about Nov and Dec...That is the context of the thread. Yet you are trying to claim when you said Holidays, Holiday Season, Christmas etc in response to BH saying "Nov and Dec" that you were only talking about November? Lmfao. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  17. Wait you are saying Dec wasn't on the table until BH asked about it on Dec 25th. Hmmm that's interesting because The FIRST POST OF THE THREAD (on Nov 20th) BH MENTIONS BOTH DEC AND NOV.. http://systemwars.net/bb/index.php?/topic/199189-Will-ps4-ever-beat-a-Switch-a-month-in-sales-again?#entry3917078 You then go on to say switch has no chance in the holiday season to be in contention. The more you lie the bigger you dig your grave. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  18. Well good thing he also included the Holiday Season in his rants lol Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  19. Bbbut he is lying guys [emoji24][emoji24][emoji24] Your own words betray you. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
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