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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Sorry............you're not changing it. Especially to such a weak claim that I am lying because I put "vicious trap" in quotation marks. You have nothing...........don't you? LOL I'm keeping count, sweetheart. I can already see that you are getting pissed.
  2. You haven't any argument about her other than to say that she is a lying leftist. I specifically said that the FBI should do a background investigation on ALL people related to that incident, so that the ones who may be lying will know that they are putting themselves under risk of perjury for lying to the FBI, and therefore that will probably help in deterring people from lying. Its one of my very first posts. I love how you are now trying to CHANGE your topic to say "you haven't defended her........................since I (saucer) have started posting on t
  3. I love how you are trying to avoid the question and trying to go off on a tangent. Its not working. Answer the question.
  4. And he now knows that he can't win........so he's trying to derail this thread. @Goukosan
  5. No, we are defending her. Point out where exactly where we are not "defending" her. I'll wait.
  6. Let me channel Barack Obama and his recent speech. Do you think..............its hard............to stare at the parent of a child who got killed in the highest profile shooting of 2018............and just shake their hand. That's, uh.................that's a "vicious trap" for you? Is that what you are saying. Is it really that hard?
  7. I love how you keep on running to new excuses. LOL It doesn't stop the fact that he is still the father of a dead child. DO you think Obama would not shake the hand of the father of a dead soldier, who is a hardcore right-winger. LOL What's your next excuse going to be?
  8. LOL. go ahead and point them out for me. I'll wait. I love how he keeps on trying to cycle through his choices of "leftist" media outlets. It was Vox just last month. LOL
  9. Well, if they greet you inside the Congressional building.............they're somebody who was invited. And.............I don't know if you noticed, but Kavanaugh lies. We have it on video, sweetie. He is clearly talking to Kavanaugh and introducing himself.
  10. I love how saucer is good for ever 4-6 weeks, coming in here and trying to repeat standard Fox News, Breitbart talking points..............while trying to call other people political hacks.
  11. Nope. Your strategy makes no sense when Democrats removed an even bigger politician. And you know it..........which is why you're trying to pretend to NOT read what I just typed. LOL
  12. He introduced himself, and he said he was the father of a parkland student who had died. Yes did he, sweetheart.
  13. They MeToo'd a even bigger Democratic politician. A Senator from Minnesota. .................and he was white. There goes that strategy of yours. LOL
  14. No, the person walked up to him and told him who he was. And then Kavanaugh walked away. You already know this.................why are you pretending that you didn't know those details? "Ambushed" I like how the guy purposely kept about 3 feet distance from him and almost never budged to get into his face.................."ambushed". lol
  15. Let me know who is calling Keith Ellison's accuser a liar, and which left wing media outlets are trying to discredit her. And let me know if Keith Ellison is going to get a lifetime appointment to a supreme court justice seat. I'll wait. Let me know when is the last time Hillary Clinton "attacked" Juanita Broaddrick. LOL
  16. Its was probably the last 2-3 years of them releasing a Batman game that nobody wanted to buy, and them releasing Walking Dead sequels when people were souring on all-things related to Walking Dead. Even their Game of Thrones stuff didn't do anything. And their Minecraft game? Probably didn't sell much, either. So they are making all of those games, on a new game engine that appears to run really shitty, and they aren't getting the sales.
  17. Have you noticed. This is the first time I remember seeing a Supreme Court justice nominee come with his own nationwide advertising campaign. Its amazing that they happened to have cameras around as we get to see Kavanaugh walk around shaking hands and greeting people. Everybody knows that's what federal district judges do during their free time.
  18. except that there would have been almost 2 years of PS4pro production. So, this now contradicts with other claims by Lemcels. If the PS4pro wasn't selling before...........there should have been a huge stock pile, and therefore if its sold out, then PS4pro's are moving. OR PS4pros have been selling almost all of their stock this entire time, and the moment Sony had a production delay, it immediately dries up in stores. Both things cannot be true, and they both cannot be false. Either scenario makes the PS4pro look positive.
  19. while the mid-to-late 20's future Republicans who are too embarassed and pretend that they are above it all will say "both sides are the same guys". ".........and besides, there's a news story about a Kindergarten teacher in Wisconsin in which she told the kids that they can draw themselves as anything they wanted, and it didn't have to be a boy and girl. CLEARLY this is the most important thing we should be focusing on, right now!!"
  20. Al Franken, senator. He resigned for him holding his hands out in front of a women's boobs while posing for a picture. He didn't actually touch her........but it was enough. And he resigned in under 4 weeks. And this guy attempted to commit rape, and Republicans want to sweep this under and say "it was a long time ago, so it doesn't really count."
  21. He wasn't vying for a Supreme Court justice seat until now. GASP! Your goddamn right there should be motivation to have this come out, now, when his entire life is being judged to obtain a LIFETIME POSITION as one of the most 9 powerful judges that establishes American law.
  22. Let's ban dynocrap, and see if his theory proves true. The mods, in desperation to get more activity, will plead with him to come back!
  23. Yeah it should keep him from a lifetime appointment as one of only 9 judges in the most powerful court in the land that literally creates laws with its rulings. His concealment of previous remarks regarding abortion and Presidential powers, should technically keep him from the seat. But unfortunately we are at a point where Republicans overlook such things. A supreme court seat is probably more impactful to our country than a 4 year Presidential term. Your entire life should be subject to scrutiny.
  24. Which means there's a very good chance that Rockstar is going to sell another version of the game that includes the single player and their full online component. Hmmm. Sounds like something they would say requires $60 and would get a PC version. The owners of the base version of the single player will get access to the online sometime in 2019, but it will only be temporary access. Typical carrot-on-a-stick strategy from Rockstar.
  25. I could watch NFL football games on my computer, in a fucking browser. I still wouldn't do it, if I had the choice.
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