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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. Yeah, I know. I'm not complaining about the backtracking, it doesn't even bother me to be honest. What IS bothering me though is:


    Mr. X.


    Fuck this annoying prick.


    The first time he pops up was a legit "Oh shit!" moment. Really cool. The second and even third time he pops up? It's still cool.


    But now that I know where to go and what to do he is just annoying the fuck out of me because he is constantly stalling progress. The game is seriously overusing this guy.


    He went from a "Oh damn, shit just got real!" reaction to a "Ugh...  Will you just fuck off and leave me alone for 5 goddamn minutes, you asshole" reaction within the span of an hour. My annoyance with him led to me discovering that it's completely pointless to even bother engaging with him. In the original game when you did that it would knock him out of commission for a bit and he would even drop some ammo for you. Not in this game, don't make my mistake and waste any ammo on this guy. There is literally no benefit to doing so, you don't get shit for it and he is just going to get right back up and continue his pursuit for you the moment you leave the room. And the motherfucker must have X-ray vision or some shit because he finds you within minutes.


    He's really dragging this game down for me at the moment. He would've been put to much better use if he was used in moderation. This is complete over saturation and it's not good, it's just annoying as fuck. He's a giant fly that's constantly buzzing in your face and you can wave  your hands in front of you and scream "Fuck off!" all you want, he's not going away.


  2. I'm laughing my ass off at this game. It's not that I think it's bad, far from it. I think it's pretty good so far and I'm enjoying it a lot. I'm stuck at the moment though so I'm taking a little break. 


    I have no idea what the fuck I'm suppose to do, I need an Electrical Part and a note mentioned something about a Clock Tower so I'm currently wandering around aimlessly trying to get there.  It's becoming a pain in the ass though because Mr. X is constantly pursuing me  (which by the way surprised the fuck out of me to see him pop up so soon, I'm almost positive he only showed up in Scenario B in the original game).



    It's the way this game plays and feels that has me laughing. The movement and aiming feels so similar to RE6. Even some of the hit reaction animations I'm seeing from zombies look like they were straight up recycled from RE6. Hell, when I saw you can change the color of your laser sight I was like, "Yup, I know where that came from..." For all the hate that game gets I find it hysterical to see those same haters love REmake 2's gunplay and movement.


    Capcom, you clever bastards, you found a way to get people to appreciate something from RE6 even though they're unaware of it.

  3. 1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

    Culture of a studio and management matters more. Look at Cory Balrog when he left for Tomb Raider, we got an average AA game. All the Metroid Prime devs have made numerous games, giving us Dante's Inferno and Recore.


    The level designer of Metroid Prime gave us Dante's Inferno's design. Think about that.

    That's a terrible comparison...


    Retro had Nintendo looking over their shoulder the entire time and apparently had Retro routinely send them "blue rooms"so they could  play test their ideas. Think about that.

  4. 5 hours ago, ghostz said:

    Nice! Yea I still live with my bro. Glad there’s others like me out there. U in ur 40s too?

    No. I turned 35 a couple months ago. Our friend eventually got married and moved to Louisiana and started a family there when I was around 25. Around the same time my brother joined the Army so I was living by myself for about 8 years. My brother got out of the Army,  got a divorce, and then moved back home like two years ago and now we live together. We rarely see other though, he works nights and I tend to work days so the only time I really notice him around is on the weekends since we both usually get weekends off.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    I got so much shit for saying 2 was my favorite the other day. lmao 1 is easily the weakest in the series, it's too simplistic for it's own good.


    People hating on 2?


    LOL, why?


    It easily has the best main character and the combat system was at it's peak with 2.

  6. Is Warlords a collection or just Onimusha 1? Because I'll pick it up if it's a collection. If it's just Onimusha 1 though then I won't bother. I didn't really care for Onimusha 1.


    I really enjoyed 2 and 3 though, 2 is easily my favorite game in the series. I even liked Onimusha Dawn of Dreams, I thought the game was fun and don't really understand the hate the game gets.

  7. 28 minutes ago, kaz said:

    you said it yourself DMC is the best game in the series.


    DMC3 was never a good game. It's better than 4 yeah okay, but that doesn't mean much. 


    2 is garbage everyone knows that, but 4 sucks bc of the backtracking bullshit. 


    If I had to rate DMC it goes like this: 1-3-4--------------2 I didn't play the ninja theory game. Looks like hot garbage to me.


    FYI, you backtrack through the second half of the game in DMC3 as well except it's handled much worse than DMC4.


    For me, the ranking goes 1>4>3>Who gives a fuck about the rest.

  8. Special Editions made changes to the gameplay systems and added new modes and characters. In DMC4's case the additions were great- new modes, three new characters, retweaked some of the game systems and is just generally an all around much better game than the original.


    DMC3 SE didn't really change much from the original. It just added a new checkpoint/orb system (Gold/Yellow), tweaked the difficulty settings (the original's Normal mode was actually the Japanese Hard mode), and added Vergil as a playable characer.



  9. I remember liking the game back in the day but recently I bought the DMC collection and have played through these games again (not DMC2 though because fuck that game). I enjoyed DMC 1, the game is showing it's age in some ways but it still holds up really well despite that thanks to well thought out game design. Playing through it again just reconfirmed why it's still my favorite game in the series.


    DMC3 SE, however, is just not that good.


    In fact, I think it kind of sucks. I have never seen a game degrade in quality as fast as this game does. Once you hit Chapter 8, this game plummets into shit.


    • Like 1
  10. On 2019-01-16 at 7:15 AM, Team 2019 said:

    It just came out in March, they shutdown the like 4 servers, and a PVP server was closed. There is only one server, with no activity. The question is when.



    They did server merges (same thing happened on PS4 as well), the game really isn't that active for the amount of servers the game originally had. It was the community that requested to merge the servers so the game wouldn't feel so dead online. 

  11. Damn, Diablo 2 and Ikaruga.... I can't believe I didn't list either of them.


    Ikaruga pretty much lived in my Dreamcast for like a year straight and Diablo 2 is responsible for me losing a lot of sleep on a school night during my high school years.


    Great games, great memories.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

    i'm surprised there's no PS4 Pro special edition bundle for RE2. If they do a custom console I'd buy it instantly :glad:


    As for the DMC5 demo, it's literally like 10 minutes long lmao. I wonder why it's only on Xbox though, I thought Phil Koombayah Spencer didn't want to keep content away from his superiors on PS4? Usually the little cuck would grovel and not put up a fight, what's changed now, and why for a teaser 5 minutes demo of DMC5?


    just goes to show Phil is DYING for exclusives but just can't supply :cruise: 



    There's a DMC5 demo coming to PS4 and PC later. Don't know if it's going to be a new demo or the same one Xbox got though.

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