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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. sounds really short, especially if you don't have a partner for co op (like me). i think ill wait for a price drop/steam sale.
  2. this is whats also missing from monster tale. The writing and vibe in general seems too geared towards appealing to kids, while banjo and henry hatsworth were more of "all audiences" type of games.
  3. going back and forth between a few games Might and Magic Clash of Heroes: Still playing this and after 12 hours i've still got a long way to go before i beat the campaign. love the gameplay. Mortal Kombat: First fighting game i've purchased this gen and i don't regret it. I suck ass but its a lot of fun. Section 8 Prejudice: Unbelievable bang for your buck. I finished the campaign in 3-4 hours, and it feels like a regular big budget sci fi shooter despite costing 1/4th as much. im probably the only person on the planet who thinks this but i honestly enjoyed it more than reach's. Haven't eve
  4. it must feel especially long given how short shooters this gen have been. It doesn't help that some parts can drag for quite a bit. just stick with it breh.
  5. might & magic clash of heroes is really fun. its like puzzle quest mixed with a turn based strategy game.
  6. I guess ill just skip it altogether. i had to force myself to finish KZ2 and it sounds like i'd have to do the same thing with 3.
  7. i hated kz2 and the demo for 3 was pretty boring. maybe it was just a bad level.
  8. been playing quite a lot of games lately okamiden - finished it recently, was great monster tale - been playing this in short bursts, i like it but the excessive backtracking is annoying da2 - still playing it (about 30 hours in) i should be near the very end. deus ex - started playing this for the first time a few days ago, i can't believe its taken me this long to dive into it. really awesome game.
  9. u liking it? Not really. The game overstays it's welcome and the combat gets stale after 5 or so chapters. Had a lot more fun with Deadly Premonition TBH. Plus, God of War 3 was better. exactly how i feel. Everybody was praising it for its length but in the end it does more harm than good.
  10. Alcoholism is not the same as Drug addictions Dumbest thing that I have read on this forum. Is it worse than spacegoats and ironing? don't forget ironingly
  11. yeah its really cool. Lots of text though. And you need to play through the game multiple times to fully understand the story.
  12. one of the reasons why i liked the campaign more than most people was because i just used the nade launcher and other explosives for almost the entire thing. blowing up an enemy's cover never gets old.
  13. it feels like a pretty big rehash since they re-use most of the same settings, music, abilities, characters, etc. But i loved okami so im perfectly fine with having more of the same.
  14. Does Okamiden start out anywhere near as dead slow as Okami? yeah. im 3 hours in and its starting to pick up though.
  15. its definitely very similar to twin peaks. the whole vibe and setting in particular.
  16. finished BG&E. this game has more soul than 95% of current gen games.
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