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Everything posted by Twinblade

  1. I'm sure you've found this but i'll just link this here. I don't know how to help you as i don't have the game to fuck around with http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thread-3754.html i already looked through that. I get an error message telling me to update my graphics card driver even though i already have the latest version. there is nothing i can do.
  2. after 2-3 hours of messing around im just going to give up. and yes i know this is a no fanboy forum but sometimes i just really cannot fucking stand pc gaming.
  3. 7 64 bit. when i first booted the game up it ran silky smooth with everything maxed out so i don't think my PC is the problem.
  4. i've only played for about 15-20 mins, im having a lot of technical issues with it for some reason.
  5. moving within a 3D environment with a d pad will never be as precise as using a analog stick, but i got used it and don't mind the current set up at all. ugh see that pisses me off. I'm so tired of this motion nonsense. The new zelda looks stupid too with it's wiimote combat. ummm...he never mentioned motion controls.I'm sick of the wiimote I guess is what I was trying to say. Moving in a 3d space with a D-pad is just beyond dumb. its fine. theres even a couple of assists that make it even easier like if you're moving down a curved hallway as long as you continue holding down up on the
  6. moving within a 3D environment with a d pad will never be as precise as using a analog stick, but i got used it and don't mind the current set up at all.
  7. and i think the worst metroid review so far is g4's http://g4tv.com/games/wii/61992/Metroid-Other-M/review/ the chick pretty much spends the entire thing whining about how the way samus is portrayed is offensive to women
  8. lock onto all of them at once with the seeker/super missiles
  9. and most of the environmental puzzles just consist of you looking around the environment to try and find a hidden switch or hole/vent that you can enter when in ball form.
  10. what sucks about the concentration thing is that you can use it an unlimited amount of times. I ended up using it like 4 times on the final boss alone
  11. make sure you watch the credits all the way through after beating the game
  12. just beat other M, it owned HARD the ending was also long as hell but it felt complete and satisfying, unlike most other games this gen that just leave you with a crappy 2 minute long cliffhanger.
  13. damn son, you're practically at the exact same place where i am
  14. not yet afaik, but in the meantime you should try ivy the kiwi?. its only 400mb and it owns
  15. yeah the controls aren't as annoying as i thought they would be
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