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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. On 2019-02-09 at 6:06 PM, Ramza said:

    MKX is the best fighting game of the gen. Which is all sort of sad but I got to give credits where it's due.

    Late reaction because I got sidetracked by RE2, but I've been playing it and hearing that seems crazy. Wtf happened with SFV? I've played a bit of it but it just seems more of the same as SFIV. Mortal Kombat X feels solid. And now I see some shit about SNK heroines and one button specials. The hell is going on with fighting games lol. 

    • Haha 1
  2. Nah, this game is a lot better. Exciting as hell for me. Maybe I shouldn't have chosen hardcore for a first playthrough. Not sure if it's the adaptive difficulty thing or just part of the hardcore setting to have zombies take 10+ bullets to the head before dying. Played like that up until the orphanage couple of hours ago and saw on the RE modding boards that there is a way to turn it off. I also unlocked all the costumes, fuck it, I'm not going to play this game 500 times. 


    But I do like playing the game with ink ribbons cause I'm not tempted to reload if I fucked up somehow like throwing a grenade by mistake.

  3. On 2019-02-10 at 3:02 AM, jehurey said:

    LOL look at the concentrated butthurt pop up.


     I knew my post was going to bring them out, but I am a little surprised the rufflesselfpwned has now admitted to being a permenant jerry butthurt victim. he couldn't help but drop the act for a couple of seconds there, lol.


    He's talking to himself again :D

  4. I wasn't sure if I had sciatica or a herniated disk. Someone on here recommended stretches and that relieved it temporarily but you gotta keep doing it. I also bought one of those cushions that have a gap by the tailbone.  I'm guessing it is this piriformis syndrome for me since the pain/discomfort never went below the knee. Recently I noticed that when sitting I seem to be tightening that muscle subconsciously and I did sit on my wallet a lot.



    • Upvote 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Angel Jim said:

    I don’t see what the difference between physical and digital is. Can someone explain.

    That if whoever got tricked into buying psn plus who isn't you, decides to do a chargeback because they didn't know it was a subscription service, they will ban your account "cause chargebacks cost them money". Maybe they should have not been dicks.



  6. Days after 18 but because I started university during spring semester and went to live there in a dorm, from there I left moved away after a semester. I had to learn to be an adult fast because at home I was in an environment where I was spoiled or wasn't allowed to do anything. I've only gone back to live with them for months at a time to visit them. I fucking hate the cold :feelsbadman:

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