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Everything posted by soup

  1. Just slap it on the easiest settings if you haven't and enjoy the ride. The moments are incredible it's just playing it isn't.
  2. It doesn't. Wolfenstein is 100% about its moments, everything else in that game is a real bummer.
  3. It is done, the world of Alrest has been saved. After 93 hours I can shelve Xenoblade 2, it was an alright game. The story and design of the last half of the game definitely propels you to see a conclusion. I'm not mad I spent as much time with the game but it definitely has it faults. It'll probably never be a game I can happily recommend despite actually enjoying it because the game never really does anything but ask of the player, very rarely are you actually rewarded for your time invested and when you are it's immediately overshadowed by having to go back to play the game.
  4. On the final chapter of Xenoblade 2. Game really funnels you to the end for the last few chapters. I think overall i'm OK with the game. It has its issues, quite a bit of issues but it's an alright 7/10 game. Story is fun and I enjoy most of the characters, the designs of most are trash though.
  5. Meh are there any actually well balanced openworld games? Even Dragon's Dogma on its hard setting is a cakewalk after the first zone.
  6. TEW2 hasn't some of the best cinematic cuts i've seen in some time. TEW did them well too but man, that game nails 'em. Some of the ones during the final hour or so are on point.
  7. A few months ago it didn't have this, you'd crash out and be fucked. Nice to hear they changed that.
  8. Nah, not yet anyway. I don't even know that it's a game worth playing.
  9. Yea, I read the notes that were released awhile back and none are all that wild. Aside from the skip travel button takes you to the map you're on. Most if not all of my deaths are from me jumping off a ledge or an enemy 50+ levels comes in to stomp me. If you're not upgrading Poppi that might be your issue, that or just your party/blade comp
  10. It's def a tougher nut to crack, the throw backs are more aesthetic than they are story. Sequel is definitely the one the play.
  11. Did you ever play the first one? They do some really silly throwbacks to it.
  12. Game is awesome, easily one of my favorites this year. Some awesome moments in there.
  13. Closing in on 30 hours of X2, it's a bummer how unpolished this game is.
  14. I mean there are level 80+ monsters that one shot you but it's more of an annoyance than anything else. It's your run of the mill jrpg. Boy meets girl, they make friends, journey to save a dying world.
  15. Bad in how it relays information to the player, guess it's more that the level design isn't great. Haven't seen a hunt and sidequests are what you'd expect out of a game like this. "I need # of X" and all that make the usual appearance.
  16. Meaning it's a mixed bag, I like it despite its flaws but the game borderline asks you not to like it half the time. The map is pretty bad, the combat is servicable at the best of times and questionable at the worst, performance even in docked is dumpster for a game that isn't visually impressive. If not for my nostalgia for a JRPG in this vein i'd have stopped by now.
  17. Destiny 2. Wanted something to do while waiting for next tier in XIV so me and a few people from the static i'm in checked it out. The raid is pretty decent, makes me miss raiding in a game that isn't just boss in a box.
  18. Finished Yakuza 0, great story marred by an unnecessary overworld and servicable combat. Ended up mainlining it just to see it through, some really fun characters that get too little screen time. Started Xenoblade but shut it off when you got to the first town, man that game is ugly af.
  19. I did the Dominatrix one so if that's like the creme of the crop then i'll stick to the main story.
  20. Are there side missions that you'd consider must do's? So far they've all been pretty bunk. I just have a hard time avoiding them since a lot of them are placed along critical path.
  21. Yea, the guilt of spend $40. Nah, i'm being facetious. It's been solid so far but every time the game starts going somewhere it slams on the brakes and tosses you into a different story and asks you to do some menial tasks to get by.
  22. Yakuza 0 is a weird game, after like 13 hours I can't even tell you if I actually like it.
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