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Everything posted by soup

  1. Lone Survivor. Spelunky should be consumed like a mobile game, a "session" every here and there or between games etc. I never found it to be an all or nothing type game.
  2. It could really just be that I'm not good at SRPGs lol, but I can't imagine the battles being short. DS was a turn based game at its heart so it was easy for me to get into.
  3. I'm sure they get as long if not longer but Devil Survivor isn't as traditional as TO but I didn't expect it to be anything but that.
  4. Tactics Ogre is just not for me and that's alright. The battle scenarios just take too long and my ADD can't handle it. Been awhile since I played TW2 so I DL'd the combat overhaul mod and plan to check that out later.?
  5. Aside from repackaging the campaign and calling it Battlefield.
  6. Got into a mood where I wanted to revisit games. Installed ME1 and 2, FarCry 3, and Path of Exile needless to say they're all uninstalled and I'm playing through Golden Abyss. It's a pretty neat game, all the launch "must have!" features kinda blow. I don't want to tilt my vita to regain balance or do your dumb charcoal pictures, also it can be pretty annoying to be taken to a menu everytime I pick up a treasure piece but whatever.
  7. The character per joystick think sounded annoying as hell, it wasn't any fun in No No Kuni so I didn't bother, glad I didn't.
  8. Yah, there's not many stand out bosses I don't think. Man Eater was the original Capra demo back in the day, I hated that thing.
  9. It just summons a player into the boss arena and the player gets a boss health bar. I'm guessing it's just AI if no one is around.
  10. Well by default the lack of bonfire checkpoints and the estus flasks the levels will be more of a challenge as well as more punishing. I remember the bosses being something else back in '09, hell most people glitches the Tower Knight to beat him lol. After playing Dark Souls id imagine them being easier solely since you're used to it. Do the servers still work? One of the bosses is PvP.
  11. With PS4 two weeks () away I finally caved in and grabbed PS+ as well as Tactics Ogre. Never played Golden Abyss and I've heard some solid things about Sine More so I downloaded those on my Vita.
  12. It's awfully balanced in that regard. The game is punishing at first and becomes extremely trivial until the ending after the ending but before the ending.
  13. My memory might be hazy since I didnt play for long but is the first fights with the skeletons/having to save your first party member(s) and stuff? I remember that being pretty harsh and Dili saying that the battle itself is one of the more challenging ones since it's so early on. ...that's where I stopped.
  14. Going to pick up Tactics Ogre later tonight, bought it last year or whenever it launched and got roughed up so I stopped playing.... so any tips?
  15. I alawys do Knight. Oh shit, I forgot tendencies weren't a part of Dark Souls, you might want to read up on that.
  16. Demon's Souls is awesome, brah. It does a lot of things DaSo doesn't do so they're different enough though going backwards might suck since the best thing about DaSo (interconnected world) isn't in DeSo.
  17. Back up to Winter in TLoU, segmenting my play sessions nicely. Made the mistake of buying ME1 and 2 during the week sale, might get around to that but I doubt. Also made the mistake of restarting Diablo 3... so that is a nice chunk of my time.
  18. It's one if those hide n seek horror games that the Amnesia games made popular. Never played Amnesia tho.
  19. Brothers? Gone Home? You might enjoy Outlast if you like horror games.
  20. Ahh Fallout 2 is awesome, it's worth checking out. Not sure on your piracy stance but I can hook you up with an IPT invite.
  21. Have you never played games like the original Fallouts? Diablo's? StarCrafts? Planescape? Baldurs Gate?
  22. Oh lol, makes sense then. Do you just skip that entire area then? I guess that explains why you jumped into it thinking it's a FPS. In vanilla DI you don't get a ranges weapon for like 5+ hours.
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