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1 hour ago, Remij said:

Another Jerry-go-round....LMFAO


Jerry doing the "24h of Jeh-Mans" AGAIN :rofl: 




I like how you're trying to imply that Jerry goes on the Jerry go round, when the phrase is meant for the other person.


I love it when you pretend to play stupid in order to make a punchline work.:drake:In this case, completely misunderstanding the phrase.

44 minutes ago, Sublyminal said:

I'll give both Ghostz and Remi this... no matter how many times they're bootyholed a night, they still come back for more. :salute: gentlemen... 

I love these guys.


They're as consistent as crash test dummies.

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WHen I say I have this guy's number, I have his number   Down to a tee.   LOL he's lost every single point he's made tonight.

Look at these butthurt bastards.   Entering their THIRD DAY of butthurt     Poor lemij ran off after he thought he found an out.   Too bad he forgot the part whe

too bad there isn't a UK chart that measures people waiting for last year's EA games to become full available on GamePass

1 minute ago, jehurey said:

I like how you're trying to imply that Jerry goes on the Jerry go round, when the phrase is meant for the other person.


I love it when you pretend to play stupid in order to make a punchline work.:drake:In this case, completely misunderstanding the phrase.

I love these guys.


They're as consistent as crash test dummies.

You're dumber than I gave you credit for.  You didn't coin the phrase fuckhead... I did. :tom: 


You absolutely are on the Jerry-go-round... you're the one that keeps it spinning.  It's named after you because you're always on it... :drake: 


It's an endurance race... just like Le Mans is.  Your goal is how much distance you can get out of people in given time period...


So yea, the punchline works perfectly.  Idiot :hest: 


(That ACTUALLY had to be explained to you :mj:)

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

No, there is no projecting in the post.


Point out the specific words or ideas  that I am projecting


You do know that you made another claim.


...........I challenged you on it.


.........and now you can't back up what you said.


So you've lost ANOTHER argument to me, in addition to all of the dozens that you lost last week:drake:

The entire post. Literally every word you typed. You’re even projecting now :deadest:

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1 hour ago, Remij said:

You're dumber than I gave you credit for.  You didn't coin the phrase fuckhead... I did. :tom: 



no, you didn't:tom:


and it the meaning of the phrase doesn't change because you think you coined it.


when you say that somebody is "on" the merry go round........it means they're the victim.


so you are basically saying that this isn't a jerry-go-round, but a FakeBoy Remierry-go-round:tom:


1 hour ago, Remij said:


It's an endurance race... just like Le Mans is.  Your goal is how much distance you can get out of people in given time period...



no, its not remotely that at all.


I already have you beat.


you simply come back for a second day of bitchslapping.


.......and then you came back for a fourth...............and fifth:hest:

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5 minutes ago, ghostz said:

More projections from Jerry, holy shit it’s hilarious to see him squirm like this. :D 

I love that I got him to admit that he was projecting, and now he's admitting that he's scrambling.

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21 minutes ago, ghostz said:

where did I admit I was? I’ll need a direct quote :banderoos:

Right here, when you said:

16 hours ago, ghostz said:

you’re projecting now, holy fuck :kaz:

Is clearly meaning that you are now trying to project.


Can you imagine if ghost now attempts to type the same exact thing? How obvious of a projection will ghost be doing, at this point?:tom:

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11 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Right here, when you said:

Is clearly meaning that you are now trying to project.


Can you imagine if ghost now attempts to type the same exact thing? How obvious of a projection will ghost be doing, at this point?:tom:

Sorry, no admission there. You’re now projecting, though. :D 

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5 hours ago, ghostz said:

Sorry, no admission there. You’re now projecting, though. :D 

No there was. And now you're projecting again that you failed and that you're attempting to project.


4 hours ago, Remij said:

Another day, another Jerry-go-round.


He STILL hasn't gotten off :omglol:

I love how I now have this poor Fakeboy committing to his act of mis-understand the definition of something.......he never invented, but now claims that he did.:tom:


Keeping the both of them spinning plates.

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

No there was. And now you're projecting again that you failed and that you're attempting to project.


I love how I now have this poor Fakeboy committing to his act of mis-understand the definition of something.......he never invented, but now claims that he did.:tom:


Keeping the both of them spinning plates.

It didn’t work last week, and it’s not gonna work this week. :tom:

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2 hours ago, ghostz said:

He’s projecting again, just like we knew he would :kaz:

:lawl::lawl:his butthurt is still regurgitating another two days later:lawl::lawl:

he really is butthurt, and he can't contain himself.

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55 minutes ago, ghostz said:

He did it again :blessed: he thought it would work this time :bena: 

:blessed:Its hilarious that he is now entering the forum ALREADY in a state of butthurt


Its his default mental state, and it appears to be permanent.

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