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Biden is going to die any day now

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

It's astonishing how stupid some of you people are. You can look up basically any conversation or rally he has ever had at any point in time and there's very little issue with coherency.


You are the prime example of trump derangement syndrome. There's absolutely no issue with his mental fitness.


Joe Biden clearly has dementia, Trump most certainly does not or anything even remotely resembling it.


I don't care if you dislike or hate the guy, but trying to lie about his mental state when things are so clearly on the contrary is just ridiculous.


Of the two if you read their transcripts one sounds far more deranged and detached from reality than the other. 70% of what Trump talks about is the same shit he's said verbatim for 7 years and he still sounds out of his mind on a regular basis. 


I don't care how energetically he's sweatily spewing his reality defying diatribes, lies, and misrepresented reality it's completely absurd. While I do appreciate the fake concern humanless goons like you and Cooke show for how unfit Biden is for office while also having no issues with Trump's fitness for office given all the corruption, and lying, and scamming, and attempted cheating in an election. 


Like how rotten of a person he is before you get to the racism (which Tbf you and Cooke probably like) we know sound doesn't cause cancer. We know airplanes didn't exist during the revolutionary war.


You guys act like Trump isn't also like less than 4 years younger than Biden and a double cheeseburger away from a heart attack. What good is a president that you can't believe anything they say? What about his administration? The most corrupt ever. What about his great team building where he's only on good terms with like the weirdest and least liked 6 or 7 people out of 200? 


He's on bad terms with all of his attorney generals? And chief of staffs? And vice president? Half of the generals? Half of his lawyers have either been disbarred or on the way to it. It was an experiment, it made the world a shittier place, MAGA is a cancer. But Joe Biden is old! 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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Here you go Morning Jokesan    He is falling apart right before your eyes and all you can do is cope with "disengenous" like it's some isolated thing. No, this is everyday he's on camera. 

Biden said he would be a bridge candidate. Why the fuck is he running again? He lied. 

If you think Biden isn't in deep cognitive decline, just watch any old video of him. He's been a politician for over 50 years so there's plenty of content. Here's one from 2007, when he was 65 years o

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On 2024-05-28 at 8:54 AM, Cooke said:

You keep forgetting that was during the fake primary when you were first calling him that. And he can't be a spoiler in a primary. That's not how it works. But by refusing to have debates the DNC turned him into a possible spoiler. But for who? And he has an actual chance of winning. It's not like hes polling 2% and only from one side. 


Not my fault your dumbass didn't understand the full scope of what a spoiler is :umad:

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54 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Not my fault your dumbass didn't understand the full scope of what a spoiler is :umad:

He's a spoiler for you. I'm happy about that.

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5 minutes ago, Cooke said:

He's a spoiler for you. I'm happy about that.

Just admit you were wrong for once. Like I understand not wanting to own up to it because for some reason you think you're smart, but you're wrong all of the time. Act like a man. 

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Just admit you were wrong for once. Like I understand not wanting to own up to it because for some reason you think you're smart, but you're wrong all of the time. Act like a man. 

Running in a primary is not a spoiler. Will you admit that? 

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4 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Running in a primary is not a spoiler. Will you admit that? 

It's not but we told you he would run in the general and you said he wouldn't... because he told you he wouldn't.  If there is one constant on this forum for the past few years is certain people eventually being proven right and others constantly proven wrong. 


Yet there has been no conceding of points. I'll give Twinblade credit for voicing when he's hit a point and views a person or situation differently even if it soft admission of being on the wrong side or whatever. I don't know who made you this way, but good God. 

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20 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

It's astonishing how stupid some of you people are. You can look up basically any conversation or rally he has ever had at any point in time and there's very little issue with coherency.


You are the prime example of trump derangement syndrome. There's absolutely no issue with his mental fitness.


Joe Biden clearly has dementia, Trump most certainly does not or anything even remotely resembling it.


I don't care if you dislike or hate the guy, but trying to lie about his mental state when things are so clearly on the contrary is just ridiculous.

You're so full of shit.  He rambles on and on about cognitive tests, math tests and other nonsense.  He's going to drop dead on a stage and when he does I am going to laugh my ass off as the fat pig shits all over himself as his body dies  He's stupid, his supporters are even more stupid 

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6 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

It's not but we told you he would run in the general and you said he wouldn't... because he told you he wouldn't.  If there is one constant on this forum for the past few years is certain people eventually being proven right and others constantly proven wrong. 


Yet there has been no conceding of points. I'll give Twinblade credit for voicing when he's hit a point and views a person or situation differently even if it soft admission of being on the wrong side or whatever. I don't know who made you this way, but good God. 

And gouk still won't admit running in a primary against an incumbent is not a spoiler. Why aren't you going after him?


Also RFK has tried to work with Biden so he's not a spoiler. He said if Biden agrees, whichever candidate is polling higher head to head vs Trump in September gets to continue and the other drops out. If the true goal is to defeat the enemy of Democracy (Donald Trump) then he would sign the agreement. But Biden is too vain. He's going to lose. And thats with RFK pulling more votes from Trump than he is pulling from Biden. So really RFK is a "spoiler" for Trump. 

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Cooke said:

And gouk still won't admit running in a primary against an incumbent is not a spoiler. Why aren't you going after him?


Also RFK has tried to work with Biden so he's not a spoiler. He said if Biden agrees, whichever candidate is polling higher head to head vs Trump in September gets to continue and the other drops out. If the true goal is to defeat the enemy of Democracy (Donald Trump) then he would sign the agreement. But Biden is too vain. He's going to lose. And thats with RFK pulling more votes from Trump than he is pulling from Biden. So really RFK is a "spoiler" for Trump. 


I dont know what you're talking about but at the end of the day Gouk is definitely closer to being right than you are, even by your word. Secondly, I can't believe you saying that retarded shit like anyone with marginally functional brain would know is stupid as shit. Like, RFK, with zero political experience, and never have had to run for any office before, let alone fucking President. He proposed a scenario for the incumbent President, using one of the most unreliable polling methods available to vacate their election and let RFK run in their place. As stupid as I already thought you were, and trust me, this isn't a forum gimmick thing. I think you're possibly the dumbest person I've come across in all of the SW entities over the past 24 years. You're sitcom TV level stupid. I wouldn't even expect you to think that idea makes any sense. It's dumb as rocks silly shit like that where you see the true intentions of the person. In what county/state/country/planet/reality would someone in Biden's place agree  and engage in something this ludicrous? This is honestly too dumb for you even you to be repeating. 


AGAIN, I've told you repeatedly that every step RFK was taking was an obvious scheme to be a third party candidate. Like that dumb fuck offer that you are so stupid that you think it's honorable or something. I'm legit laughing my ass off. It's like someone ringing your doorbell and challenging you to your car or house or something. Offering up an implausible agenda to your opponent is something you do when you're just creating an obvious as shit plausible denial later on. It's telegraphed and obvious but it's aimed solely at the stupid or extremely dishonest people out there. Only stupid people like you could be like "He deserves better" for a motherfucker who just wants to be President with absolutely no work put for it. Before we even get to whoever is on the ticket, there's no smoke for entitled people who just think they are worthy of being the fucking President? The man is almost 70, he a late bloomer? If you had any fucking convictions at all, and weren't mentally 10 years old you might be self aware enough to ask the question if the remedy for two entitled old men is actually a third entitled old man. Is that really the best we can hope for? 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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17 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I dont know what you're talking about but at the end of the day Gouk is definitely closer to being right than you are, even by your word. Secondly, I can't believe you saying that retarded shit like anyone with marginally functional brain would know is stupid as shit. Like, RFK, with zero political experience, and never have had to run for any office before, let alone fucking President. He proposed a scenario for the incumbent President, using one of the most unreliable polling methods available to vacate their election and let RFK run in their place. As stupid as I already thought you were, and trust me, this isn't a forum gimmick thing. I think you're possibly the dumbest person I've come across in all of the SW entities over the past 24 years. You're sitcom TV level stupid. I wouldn't even expect you to think that idea makes any sense. It's dumb as rocks silly shit like that where you see the true intentions of the person. In what county/state/country/planet/reality would someone in Biden's place agree  and engage in something this ludicrous? This is honestly too dumb for you even you to be repeating. 


AGAIN, I've told you repeatedly that every step RFK was taking was an obvious scheme to be a third party candidate. Like that dumb fuck offer that you are so stupid that you think it's honorable or something. I'm legit laughing my ass off. It's like someone ringing your doorbell and challenging you to your car or house or something. Offering up an implausible agenda to your opponent is something you do when you're just creating an obvious as shit plausible denial later on. It's telegraphed and obvious but it's aimed solely at the stupid or extremely dishonest people out there. Only stupid people like you could be like "He deserves better" for a motherfucker who just wants to be President with absolutely no work put for it. Before we even get to whoever is on the ticket, there's no smoke for entitled people who just think they are worthy of being the fucking President? The man is almost 70, he a late bloomer? If you had any fucking convictions at all, and weren't mentally 10 years old you might be self aware enough to ask the question if the remedy for two entitled old men is actually a third entitled old man. Is that really the best we can hope for? 

Then I guess it's just a win for Trump then because of reasons. 

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11 hours ago, Cooke said:

He's a spoiler for you. I'm happy about that.


No amount of stupid shit you say can't change the fact that you're a clueless fuck

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11 hours ago, Cooke said:

Running in a primary is not a spoiler. Will you admit that? 


This is where you pretend from the start I didn't tell you that he was going to position himself to be the 3rd party candidate, with yhe goal of being a spoiler. 


Fast forward today and he's a fucking 3rd party candidate who can't stop talking about being a spoiler. 

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21 hours ago, Goukosan said:


This is where you pretend from the start I didn't tell you that he was going to position himself to be the 3rd party candidate, with yhe goal of being a spoiler. 


Fast forward today and he's a fucking 3rd party candidate who can't stop talking about being a spoiler. 

And I said he would only go 3rd party if the DNC treats him like shit.


Viola. It happened. You work for them don't you? Tell them to try democracy next time. 

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8 minutes ago, Cooke said:

And I said he would only go 3rd party if the DNC treats him like shit.


Viola. It happened. You work for them don't you? Tell them to try democracy next time. 


You're straight up lying Cooke 🤥


You swore up and down from the start he wasn't going 3rd party..... Until he did and you immediately started coming with excuses of why you're wrong... Lol

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3 hours ago, Cooke said:

And I said he would only go 3rd party if the DNC treats him like shit.


Viola. It happened. You work for them don't you? Tell them to try democracy next time. 

Lol this man has no shame. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll admit i have a morbid curiosity of what Biden will look like in 2027 if he wins. 


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5 minutes ago, Substatic said:

Live updates: Hunter Biden found guilty on all counts in gun case | CNN Politics


Two tier justice system! Rigged Jury! Biased Judge! Corrupt DOJ!


...........Is what I would say if I was in some cock sucking cult 🤣😂. There goes that narrative for the extreme far right Trump psychos.


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