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Sony is raising the price of PS5 in Japan

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3 minutes ago, Remij said:

Moron... like I said, having an explanation for it doesn't make it less ridiculous :lemming:  You're not teaching anyone anything here... Sony can afford to lose money on the consoles.. they have before..


And Sony's greed easily explains the reason why prices have remained the same or increased everywhere else.. lmfao.

Again, I reply to your direct prior comment and then your reply to me is about something else entirely. That post was literally in reply to you saying you ADDRESSED THE YEN :grimaceleft: No, you fucking didn't because what you said made zero sense since keeping the price the same is a literal 25% fucking price cut to Sony. 

Now you're saying they should eat the loss. Um Ok... they chose not to :yeshrug: If that's what your whole thing is about now then go right ahead. IT IS RIDICULOUS THEY HAVEN'T ATE THE LOSS. OMG SONY. Happy? lol


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It's obvious Mad is NOT happy lol

I don’t think he meant free to play games.  Think he meant regular games that are free to the consumer that subscribe to PSN+ and or gamepass.    Sony and MS are paying the publishers to put

1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

Again, I reply to your direct prior comment and then your reply to me is about something else entirely. That post was literally in reply to you saying you ADDRESSED THE YEN :grimaceleft: No, you fucking didn't because what you said made zero sense since keeping the price the same is a literal 25% fucking price cut to Sony. 

Now you're saying they should eat the loss. Um Ok... they chose not to :yeshrug: If that's what your whole thing is about now then go right ahead. IT IS RIDICULOUS THEY HAVEN'T ATE THE LOSS. OMG SONY. Happy? lol


Yes I did.  And congrats at coming to the realization of what they should do instead of raising the price 4 years later..


bubu "teh worldz changed guiz... don't call things ridiculous, jus accept it" 


Are YOU happy? :drake:

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18 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I assume Sony and MS pay for the free games on their services? IDK I don't know every aspect of the gaming industry like you guys. 

Nah, those publishers of free games pay Sony and MS a certain amount off every transaction that happens within them, just like the others.

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1 hour ago, Remij said:

Nah, those publishers of free games pay Sony and MS a certain amount off every transaction that happens within them, just like the others.


Huh, what about gamespass games and the psn premium? Yes, people pay a monthly subscription but that plus the cost of maintaining the networks still have over head. They also have to over pay for games that aren't being played. It's essentially the problem all steaming network's face with content. 



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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Huh, what about gamespass games and the psn premium? Yes, people pay a monthly subscription but that plus the cost of maintaining the networks still have over head. They also have to over pay for games that aren't being played. It's essentially the problem all steaming network's face with content. 



They pay to make deals like they always have.  It's not anything new.  They could pay a publisher to make a game exclusive to their platform, or put it on a service, and still make a specific cut from every copy sold or transaction made.  They have a variety of ways of "paying" publishers for deals..  Paying them a chunk of money up front.. paying them a small amount per download.. "paying them" through advertising their game.. and so on.  These are just deals meant to cover the costs of making a game exclusive or being on a service.  At the end of the day, Sony and MS are going to make money off of publishers wanting to sell games on their platforms.. not MS and Sony paying publishers to put games there.. and it's certainly not a reason that consoles used to be able to drop prices in the past but not any more.  Sony is making more money than ever from games.

Edited by Remij
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1 hour ago, Remij said:

Nah, those publishers of free games pay Sony and MS a certain amount off every transaction that happens within them, just like the others.


I don’t think he meant free to play games.  Think he meant regular games that are free to the consumer that subscribe to PSN+ and or gamepass. 


Sony and MS are paying the publishers to put those games on the service. 


Whereas on older generations the publisher paid a royalty fee on every piece of software sold on the hardware. 


The subscription model works a little differently where Sony and MS now have more upfront costs for 3rd party software that they didn't have before. 

Edited by Goukosan
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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


I don’t think he meant free to play games.  Think he meant regular games that are free to the consumer that subscribe to PSN+ and or gamepass. 


Sony and MS are paying the publishers to put those games on the service. 


Whereas on older generations the publisher paid a royalty fee on every piece of software sold on the hardware. 


The subscription model works a little differently where Sony and MS now have more upfront costs for 3rd party software that they didn't have before. 

The publishers still do pay a percentage fee for every piece of software sold on the hardware.  Nothing is different.  It's the exact same thing as them making an exclusivity deal where they'd pay a publisher money for the privilege.  They've always done that.  These are special deals being made... not a requirement.  Most games aren't on and will never appear on any of these services.

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14 minutes ago, Remij said:

The publishers still do pay a percentage fee for every piece of software sold on the hardware.  Nothing is different.  It's the exact same thing as them making an exclusivity deal where they'd pay a publisher money for the privilege.  These are deals being made... not a requirement. 


Yes the publishers pay a royalty for retail games and the digital games but as I stated above the upfront cost that MS and Sony pays publishers to put games on the subscription service is a cost that they did not have before. 


Sony and MS are STILL hoping to see ROI for those sub services... Both services have had to raise prices multiple times and gamepass is still a loss leader and now MS has gone full 3rd party to try to recoup some money off actual game sales at retail because their base is so conditioned to not purchasing games anymore because of GamePass. 


In the previous gens the console manufacturers were able to subsidize

the cost of the console and sell it at a "loss" with huge price cuts because they were making a killing off royalties and retail sales. 


They can't do that anymore because of the huge investments they have made in the sub service and other factors (pandemic driven infllation, chip shortage that drove of the prices of consoles etc) 

Edited by Goukosan
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14 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Yes the publishers pay a royalty for retail games and the digital games but as I stated above the upfront cost that MS and Sony pays publishers to put games on the subscription service is a cost that they did not have before. 


Sony and MS are STILL hoping to see ROI for those sub services... Both services have had to raise prices multiple times and gamepass is still a loss leader and now MS has gone full 3rd party to try to recoup some money off actual game sales at retail because their base is so conditioned to not purchasing games anymore because of GamePass. 


In the previous gens the console manufacturers were able to subsidize

the cost of the console and sell it at a "loss" with huge price cuts because they were making a killing off royalties and retail sales. 


They can't do that anymore because of the huge investments they have made in the sub service and other factors (pandemic driven infllation, chip shortage that drove of the prices of consoles etc) 

They're still making a killing off game sales today.. even moreso than previously with all new forms of monetization.  And in the past they weren't subsidizing the cost of the console in year 4... the price was dropped because the BOM was reduced and production pipelines became more efficient. Instead of keeping prices of the hardware high to make more profit off each console sale.. they grew the player base knowing they'd make more profit off game sales.  They need to hit those price tiers to sell to those people.

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