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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-06-24 in Posts

  1. Why talk shit if you are just going to cry when someone says something back? It's seriously like you don't have a drop of testosterone in your body.
    2 points
  2. Negative rep'd. Antwarrior now on suicide watch :lol: No irony seeing as I've won every exchange I've had since joining this site a month or so ago. I suggest some black doodles to vent your frustration instead of embarrassing yourself here How much neg rep do you give out a day whiney brat? Jesus get a life.
    1 point
  3. Negative rep'd. Antwarrior now on suicide watch :lol: No irony seeing as I've won every exchange I've had since joining this site a month or so ago. I suggest some black doodles to vent your frustration instead of embarrassing yourself here
    0 points
  4. LOLDamn you're pathetic. I know it's obviously non-existent now seeing how washed up you are, but i have a hard time believing you ever had game in the first place Pity reply
    0 points
  5. clinging to our rep because it matters in your life
    0 points
  6. LOL Damn you're pathetic. I know it's obviously non-existent now seeing how washed up you are, but i have a hard time believing you ever had game in the first place
    0 points
  7. that would amuse a simpleton like you, lmao
    0 points
  8. Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you just got out of jail lol. Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
    0 points
  9. I canceled Tom's plus rep that he gave you, rofl
    -1 points
  10. Your business is making this world a little smellier and a little less worthwhile. When you're dangling from a treetop noose, then maybe I'll give you a pass, chump.
    -1 points
  11. LOLDamn you're pathetic. I know it's obviously non-existent now seeing how washed up you are, but i have a hard time believing you ever had game in the first place Pity reply You misspelt pitiful... The only response a 40 year old using LOL flirts with transvestite ogres can ever manage
    -1 points
  12. My flirty XBL messages will pay off one day ;( - Gameflunk
    -1 points
  13. old people cant even drive or walk or shower
    -1 points
  14. system wars bullies in full retard effect.
    -2 points
  15. that would amuse a simpleton like you, lmao
    -2 points
  16. well it's time to put Chimp on ignore. god you suck as a human being.
    -2 points
  17. he sucked at everything else too. thats why he talks to us about his end tables. His end table was the most important thing in his life at one point.
    -2 points
  18. lmao look at this kid trying to bully every person who continues to ignore him, irony calling someone pathetic :lol:
    -2 points
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