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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. when have you ever cared about comics? you barely even play video games yet you're here. You're a huge poser nigga "hai gaiz I go to comicon even though i wouldn't have if it wasn't popular, am I cool gaiz, do I fit in noaw " o tell me dear fellow comic book reader, what are your favorite comics? who are your favorite contemporary comic artists? go ahead and start googling lol Tomwarrior aka Baby Torso, aka Kermit arms, aka Kitten Heart trying to talk tough and give advice how to be an individual and on physical appearance
  2. tomwarrior is fucking pathetic. Dude constantly contradicts himself. Fucking poser.
  3. zwarrior aka baby torso faggot is obsessed with being something he's not. True self hating POS
  4. lol tomwarrior got raped for being hypocrite. Now this tap dancing ****a is trying to deflect
  5. Whatever helps you sleep at night bro. I laugh myself to sleep all the time thanking of all the butthurt people I've owned haven't you posted pics of yourself at some nintendo event? nintendo =/= nerdicon Comic Con- A place where people who like comics, movies, video games, tv shows, anime, or sci fi go. (i.e. a lot of fucking people) Nintendo events- People who want to blow Miyamoto (i.e. faggot fanboys) I'm pretty sure that uncle tom posted pics at a comic con as well. Not to mention boasting about going to some Nintendo store event full of children and shit lol. ****a ev
  6. lol TomWarrior pretending he's cool and shit Dude we remember your anime convention pic where you were damn near giggling and scared to stand next to the paid booth model and shit
  7. Sad thing is that zoreo has posted far worse pictures than that of himself.
  8. Christ. lol A month ago the faggot couldn't even look at girls in the eye. Now this faggot is pretending he is a swinger lol.
  9. Weren't you bragging sometime earlier about how you already had girlfriend and all? lo zwarrior pretending he's a pimp now
  10. Well thank you Mr.Intellect. Between this distinction and your philosophy major there's not a mystery of this world we couldn't crack without you lol Chicken George is all angry and shit.
  11. Did you post a pic if yourself playing with a Nintendo plushie? Just quit.
  12. lol Mala stalking chick off of SW.com and OKcupid pretending he's a mack
  13. So if a massive disaster hits Miami it may end up being Peru?
  14. Kid you have gone through a virtual rainbow of responses to my posts in this thread. You went from being a fake ass indifferent douchebag to being a corny sarcastic peon, to a grammar nazi, and now you resort to saying I'm trying to hard. The funny thing is, if you look at this little exchange of ours I've been the only one who has been consistant through out. Not only are you a bottom feeder but you also have some type of identity crisis going on. Listen kid, go practice on someone in your own class before you sep up to the plate against an A class poster such as myself. I've destroyed people
  15. Its the fucking internet - get your head out of your ass Mad he's not down with having actual gay sex irl.
  16. lol leave what out? I never explained the picture to begin with. and I'm not really even making a facial expression in that picture This faggot has been on the rag like a motherfucker lately. Pure estrogen is pumping through that faggot.
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