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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. No one even wants you here. Xelle does. Is that why she publicly berates you for being a total creep in here?
  2. I really dont see the big deal. I don't even think she's hot by everyday girl on the street standards.
  3. what are some good dishes? crumpled up cockroaches with some grass and a pinch of goat milk cooked on over a fireplace. oh fuck lmfao @ SK I fucking lol'd til my stomach hurt
  4. Were you heading to some custome party? no http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLPZmPaHme0
  5. That's the craziest photoshop job ever. Systematic's photoshops are always awesome. Snakey better hope that pic doesn't leak outside of sw.com. That shit can become an internet meme.
  6. Sad part thing is that pic actually strikes a resemblance to your cartoon looking ass.
  7. i'm sure everyone's disappointed you're not going to suck their dicks lol gutted
  8. Oh shut up faggot. You're always white knighting and shit. where's your picture? In your girlfriend's mind when your fucking her. you're* Thanks sweetie.
  9. Oh shut up faggot. You're always white knighting and shit. where's your picture? In your girlfriend's mind when your fucking her.
  10. Really? It's one of my favorite shows. My GF knows the writer, but I'm not a big fan of his personally.
  11. >:O (would be trannywarrior if it wasnt for the whole bear thing ;[ ) What is that? You look just like the guy from a clockwork orange. Not an insult btw it's a pretty distinguishing look. You're so gay these days.
  12. No, she's a chick. Some girls don't dig dudes. just the way she typed that was as if she was leading a stereotypical role. i would bet that artemis doesnt really feel like that at heart but is saying that because of what her societal roles dictate. I've never heard someone sound so proud of not being attracted to someone. Why write 2 fucking sentences instead of just saying "i dont like dudes"? this fucking obnoxious over feminization of society has resulted in everyone trying to be proud of how anti-man they are its fucking ridiculous. Even though I have a lot of Lesbian friends, i fully a
  13. No, she's a chick. Some girls don't dig dudes. just the way she typed that was as if she was leading a stereotypical role. i would bet that artemis doesnt really feel like that at heart but is saying that because of what her societal roles dictate. I've never heard someone sound so proud of not being attracted to someone. Why write 2 fucking sentences instead of just saying "i dont like dudes"? this fucking obnoxious over feminization of society has resulted in everyone trying to be proud of how anti-man they are its fucking ridiculous. Even though I have a lot of Lesbian friends, i fully a
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