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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. W101 just passed 1.5 million 2 million is probably on lock. Looks like there will be a mini Viewtiful Joe episode at 2 million. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/platinumgames/the-wonderful-101-remastered
  2. It's not up on Steam. So PS4 obviously lead the lionshare of the sales
  3. Too much drama. OG Bayonett is better than 2 anyways
  4. The most likely scenario is Sega gets the rights to Bayo 2 on PS and XBox, rather than PG self publishing.
  5. This is a spin honestly not even a legit arguement. This is grasping at some major straws. Bayonetta 2 Switch didn't even top a million, Astral Chain sold more.
  6. I don't know cows are talking the L with Horizon, Death Stranding, Detroit and other games on PC with some honor to it. We got screwed but yeah, no one is melting down.
  7. Like anyone wants to play that trash lmao. God PS3 launch was pathetic.
  8. PS2 and PS1 games honestly way too dated. Half the PS2 games without remasters have terrible button mapping and half of them have unchangeable inverted cameras. Terrible stuff. PS3 BC is cool though since the games control well at least.
  9. We had a Bayo 1 PS4 leak since 2017 and it never came true. Now it's a reality . Why did Sega change this decision? I think it's pretty obvious what's on the table.
  10. A Bayonetta remaster launching right after the W101 Kickstarter ends is suspect timing. It's very unlikely Sega greenlit this just out of the blue for no reason. No for some weird reason.
  11. Yeah this is legit meltdown at this point, not even an arguement. Nintendo fully owns W101 and funded it, yet a half owned IP is somehow impossible after W101, cause reasons.
  12. https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2020/02/06/ps5-backwards-compatibility-ubisoft-all-back-catalog-previous-consoles/ Drakengard 3
  13. Private Division ✔ @PrivateDivision We’re delaying @OuterWorlds on Nintendo Switch due to the coronavirus impacting the Virtuos team working on the port, to provide them enough time to finish development. We’ll now be releasing the physical version on cartridge. Once we have a new launch date, we’ll let you know!
  14. Those tweets are almost 2 years old. We have a fully Nintendo owned IP on PS4 and PC. It means nothing at this point. Sega is releasing a Bayo remaster in a month, so they are interested. Bayo 2 is easily on the table especially if it's half Nintendo owned.
  15. It's obviously on the table depending on how they negotiate it and if they can get enough money. It's 50/50 might happen. Might not.
  16. Does this really surprise anyone? They got 3 more kickstarters coming up anyways. The Bayonetta remaster coming next month is probably no coincidence.
  17. Was this on PC game pass? Does this mean it sold close to a million on PS4?
  18. " I believe that a new console will bring new opportunities and we would like to create a new game, a new intellectual property for PlayStation 5 ," commented Hayashi. According to the studio head, Team Ninja created a new IP for Sony’s current-gen console and they would like to do the same for the PlayStation 5. "We created the NiOh series for PS4 and we would like to do the same for PS5." They also said they know we want a new Ninja Garden. So many remasters are coming.
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