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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Because nothing is wrong with wanting more diversity. The problem is the constant need to mention white people as the issue. If there are issues... and of course there are... then make the changes you can make. When you have to speak about, or announce, or mention that you're doing something FOR PEOPLE TO NOTICE what it is you want to do... while at the same time potentially offend an entire race.. then there's a problem. Are you happy with what Brie is doing? Would you have noticed or given a single FUCK, if this didn't come out? No you wouldn
  2. Yea... except how do we KNOW that she's been mentioning this for the past year to reporters, or even thinking about it? It's very easy to say that I've been doing something for the past year and talking with people about it... to someone I'm currently telling it to.. especially when I realize that it makes me look good for doing so. Ok so she had some people look into it? Doesn't mean she's been talking about it with other reporters. Hell.. .maybe she WAS telling it to other reporters, and had to keep going and going until she found one that would publicize it
  3. Not simply to... but she knows damn well that she could have done all of this and not said a word about it to anyone. Of course, that wouldn't make her look good... and then people wouldn't know what she did... because as I said... there's no faith that people WOULD notice, unless white people were brought up as to gather attention. So she spoke about it in an interview... and as these things do... it blows up.
  4. "A year ago I noticed that during my press events there wasn't a diverse representation of people, so I enacted some changes to allow a more diverse and inclusive range of people to attend my events. I feel that it would be nice if, say as a movie about woman's issues, that there were more women representing in the press event." That's pretty much what she said, right? That's a nice simple statement. As a white guy... there's nothing wrong there. Semi-related - I always laugh, when people say things like as if certain movies are made for specific groups only... I m
  5. The issue... is that she had to mention it. She had to ANNOUNCE that she did it. Brie Larson is a great chick for doing that... don't you agree? Of course... she had to say that there's too many whites... She couldn't have just said she made some changes which she hoped would allow more people of color to attend her events. #whitepplprobs
  6. Why is this something she has to speak with reporters about? If they ask about it, why doesn't she simply say that she's working to make it more inclusive for everyone, or that certain people are represented? What more needs to be said if it isn't meant to push an agenda?
  7. Definitely not mad. It's good to allow all to participate. What I'm saying is... that there's better ways to go about it. In this case, I don't even see why it should have to be mentioned publicly... she obviously wants that good press. They have to announce this shit, because minorities have to KNOW that they've taken a stand to make changes... instead of just making changes... It's like they don't believe that minorities will notice positive changes if white people aren't mocked or belittled in some form in the process.. That's my problem with it. It's causes possible resen
  8. Yea, keeps it quiet for an entire year... then just before the movie comes... reveals that she's a great person. LOL ok Jer
  9. Is it not possible to do that without commenting on the fact that there's "too many white people"? Could she have not instructed whoever to make it easier for people of color to attend without making it public? Imagine being huge fans of a series or whatever, and wanting to attend an event, but then being told, sorry their quota of white people was full... If they have been actively letting in only white people, or mostly white people.. then that's a problem with how THEY run their shit... not white people for wanting to be there...
  10. That. is godly. Man I can't fucking wait for this game. I can't believe we're less than a month away from Miyazaki's next masterpiece
  11. Yep... gotta announce it and potentially piss people (fans) off... instead of just enacting the changes. Virtue signaling at it's finest. Good for you Brie! You're doing your part! :)
  12. I changed your title. It's coming to everything... it's not a PS4 exclusive
  13. You think it's gonna look like that on Switch?
  14. ^ Imagine playing games with that POS Apple Macbook
  15. Yea, his voice just doesn't suit the character. But it looks good still.
  16. https://www.pcgamer.com/phil-spencer-talks-microsofts-new-studios-and-its-commitment-to-pc-gaming-in-2019/ It's happening GDC is gonna be awesome Build is gonna be awesome E3 is gonna be awesome Phil
  17. Mismatching colors for these kids that can't even match their socks
  18. Premium glide, smooth and exquisite Simply Glorious
  19. Holy shit. Finally a mouse made for kings Final MouseHBR Works amazing with the Glorious 3XL extended mouse pad Absolutely Glorious™
  20. Nobody needs a fucking Switch Besides that, within a couple years most Switch games will be 4K and much better on PC.. LMFAO There's no such thing as a Switch exclusive
  21. Multiplats don't count...when everyone gets them... they do if there's a single excluded faction... then jokes on them Guess that means the jokes on you... you NEED a PS4 to go with your Switch
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