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Everything posted by Remij

  1. God you're fucking stupid.. just TRY to follow what's being said you dumb cunt. Go type some more paragraphs of bullshit why don't you
  2. What is my damage control? I've said it didn't affect everyone... and they had said it was fixed.. And no... I'm perfectly well aware of why the same typical idiots here call me a lemming. You're butthurt as fuck. That's why I can say what I said and you idiots lose your shit bubu Lemij
  3. I'm curious as to why it sucks so bad. LOL And yea, I do... I have well over 1000 games to play, idiot
  4. Halo Infinite doesn't suck. I've certainly never said that. And yes, they've completely botched many aspects of this games release.. I've already clearly stated the ways I think they've botched the launch of this game. That doesn't mean I think the game sucks. And if you were referring to Ghostz, then just say so.
  5. Jesus christ you really are dense.
  6. Why did he type it out? Because it's on his ArtStation you stupid fuck.. developers usually give descriptions on their projects on there More stupid ass questions from you
  7. Fighting games on PS5 are fucked. Higher input latency than every other system. PS5 - 90ms XSX - 60ms PC - 33ms
  8. It really IS the stupidest shit. Nobody... not one single other person here... not even the less technically inclined ones... asked such stupid questions and made such a stupid insinuation. And I'm going to keep calling you out on it every single time you do.. LOL
  9. Sorry jerky... but I already told you YOU don't get to say anything about people being hypocrites here... ESPECIALLY about going long bouts of time without playing a game on their console LOL
  10. I said the first cutscene they showed looked next gen by the way of how detailed the textures were, and their resolution. But that isn't what I responded to in this thread. He said I'd changed from "it's amazing" to "it sucks".... when I didn't say anything about it sucking. I loved the game. What sucks is how they've handled it compared to what it could have/should have been. That's not me saying it sucks.
  11. It is Jehurey. It's the stupidest shit. I have no idea why you do it... but you do, almost every single time. You ask some stupid questions with obvious answers... and you always make some off hand remark about how it might not be as it seems. Every fucking time
  12. No, you made it about people being hypocrites..... and you have no right to talk about people being hypocrites about this subject when your own PS5 is out of service for months at a time and people have to force you to play it by making stupid bets on this forum Idiot
  13. It's because you ask the STUPIDEST questions CONSTANTLY. There's not a single time something like this isn't posted where you don't ask some stupid fucking question about it. Durr I wondah if itz in da engine or if dey is jus secretly video taping real lief
  14. No I didn't. And I'm certainly not saying the game sucks in this thread... which is what he's accusing me of... so wrong again jerky.
  15. Etchū-Daimon Station - Unreal 5 environment My latest environment, freely based on a real-life train station in Toyama, Japan. I'll be uploading breakdown shots soon as well! I worked on all modeling, texturing, lighting and animation. Foliage is from Quixel Megascans. The environment is running in Unreal Engine 5, lit with Lumen. I didn't use Nanite, so models are created using the standard low-poly workflow. For this project, I wanted to get as close to photorealism as possible. I used camera matching to get accurate proportions and made careful use of reference. I adjuste
  16. The subject was already about hypocrites, so it was already about you. So yea, you don't have any problem with this thread, because you don't have any problem with your PS5 being off for months at a time. Don't start getting mad over something we can already tell you don't care about.. LOL
  17. And who is doing that? LOL thinking that me criticizing how they've handled the release of the game is me admitting it sucks But then again you're the type of idiot that conveniently misses all that criticism when it suits you so you can continue to blame everyone for being corporate shills cause you're a fucking weirdo lunatic
  18. Yep. LOL Look at how Jerky's coming back after 2 days to try to spin the same one up again
  19. I already talked about you idiot... you quoted that post.. LOL now you claim I'm changing the subject when I'm literally saying the same thing that you quoted, again If you don't want to talk about that subject... then don't bring it up again moron
  20. No, I'm saying that your PS5 is out of service for months at a time, and you don't complain... idiot
  21. Aww look he's sad because I reiterated what Xbox had said in a tweet and it had given him hope that it was fixed Don't worry Guppysan, I'm sure MS will have it fixed in no time as per their new tweet. In the meantime you have your Nintendo Switch to play, right? I mean that is what you bought it for... to play when there's some issue with your other platforms.
  22. I honestly thought that launching into a new generation, a supposed new engine, longer development time, and a story focusing on The Master Chief, was going to turn the series back around after the low point that was Halo 5 (I still like Halo 4 though)... but they completely fumbled it all. It's kind of insane to me. It appeared everything was falling into place.. and then that damn gameplay trailer released and then the reality started setting in that it was not up to par. It just can't be anything other than terrible mismanagement at this point. Apparently engine features were
  23. They really should probably yank it away from 343i honestly. There are other teams MS has that could do a better job for sure.
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