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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. The 6800 Ultra was a turd. It was an extremely hot GPU and mine failed twice.
  2. Keynotes regarding Navi right now. 1.) No mention of next generation Xbox using it... yet. 2.) Navi is paired with GDDR6. 3.) Ray-tracing not in desktop PCs, but have it in "a number of other places." Console(s)? 4.) Moved away from GCN with RDNA. So with that said, do lemmings still prefer using Vega over Navi now that they know Navi clearly performs better with a substantial increase in efficiency? All of the lemmings at RetardEra who were once claiming Anaconda would be based on Vega because Navi sucks are now scrambling and reconsidering... some even
  3. It's crazy how long they've stuck with it, but if it works it works I guess. I recall it being the same even when I first got my 6800 Ultra. So maybe more than a decade. lol
  4. It could definitely use a redesign for sure. How long have they been sporting the current interface? A decade?
  5. Not to mention that Navi is being paired with GDDR6. Looks like the HBM2 dreams are dead.
  6. Yeah, it's kind of weird... AMD seems to be all over the place with their Radeon naming schemes.
  7. Everything points to a Turing refresh with higher bandwidth memory. I don't expect GPU core clock to increase at all, but who knows.
  8. Possibly. I want to see a die shot. I wonder if Navi will be in the next generation Xbox.
  9. Oh yeah, and here's confirmation that AMD IPC > Intel IPC. Yeah, I know it's from AMD, but they haven't lied about performance figures yet.
  10. I thought Strange Brigade was favored with AMD cards? I was looking at some benchmarks and the RTX 2070 seems to perform quite well in comparison to Vega 56/64. Not counting Radeon VII.
  11. I wonder if Threadripper really is dead or they're going to reintroduce it later? Also, 32% increase in IPC over 1st generation Zen. I wonder if AMD is holding back a 3950X (16C/32T) in case Intel hits back with a 16C/32T?
  12. Matched? I think it's pretty clear that single threaded performance is higher at this point.
  13. It seems about as strong as anyone else, nothing really stands out. I think the lack of ray-tracing is expected so there's definitely work to be done... only thing left to know about Navi is whether or not there's going to be something about hardware ray-tracing in their semi-custom solution and if Microsoft is going to use Navi in the next generation Xbox. There still hasn't been any clear indication that Navi is going to there.
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