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Everything posted by nitric

  1. You seriously think this looks like the best looking game available at launch? Like turn off your trolling for 5 seconds and please respond.
  2. I was waiting for the video to cut to "with next gen enhancements" but the video ended. Holy fuck this looks like last gen trash
  3. Imagine someone discrediting someone that actually works in the field as an engine developer but posting sources from a college drop out. LMAO. You did that, you fucking imbecile.
  4. 40 year old virgin trolling on a gaming forum LMAO.
  5. You're a well informed, good poster. Damn you're right, I do say stupid shit sometimes
  6. We get it, you're a fucktard. Don't have to keep spamming that emoji to express yourself.
  7. This might be the final nails in the coffin for the Series X and it hasn't even launched yet. This is PSVita levels bad.
  8. Gonna watch episode 5 with the lady tonight, I've heard good things 😮
  9. Maybe if it had one exclusive at launch. I'll be sticking to PS5/PC combo next gen like I stuck with the PS4/PC combo this gen. Didn't miss out on anything
  10. Microsoft keeps acquiring studios and yet have a barren launch for their new console. Nothing more to think here.
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