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System Warrior
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Posts posted by -SK4-

  1. lol I'm never playing Demon Souls. Fuck it :ben:

    Don't be scared by it's difficulty, I'd say it's as hard NGB. Though it's easily one of the most rewarding games I've played all gen, god damn I feel like I'm the shit after I beat a boss :bow:it sounds cheap as hell. It's just this one part because the platform is so tiny lol. The game is incredibly fair, you get a big ass reward for defeating a boss, but dying leaves you with heavy consequences.

    It does sound cheap as hell but it's incredibly balanced, and once you get used to the game it's not that difficult.

  2. im bored as hell so i decided to start a 2nd darksiders playthrough on apocalyptic. doubt ill finish it though.

    If you have a PSP play P3P, it's surprisingly really good compared to the PS2 game

    i sold my PSP like 2 years ago :( dumb decision especially since i was only able to buy 1 game with the money :|

    Damn that's shitty, right now the only hackable PSP is the GT bundle (comes with FW 4.21, just don't insert the game) :] I'd get it now because the PSP's with 6.00+ can never be hacked.

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