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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. cleo..how do you rank the ps3 version's visuals? some vids looked really impressive.
  2. the witcher 2 looks like ownage. never played the first, but i've heard nothing but great things.
  3. it's only decent on the pc. i think oblivion, with all of its texture mods, looks much better.
  4. i will be playing time hallow this weekend. i heard it's a good graphic adventure.
  5. gs gave the ps3 version the edge. i guess it depends on what bothers the gamer the most. in the end..the game looks awful on consoles and pretty meh on the pc.
  6. "The PlayStation 3 version had a much more visible draw distance than the Xbox 360 version. Objects in the distance were rendering more clearly and less popping making areas easier to distinguish before plotting your next course. While the texture resolution we equal between both versions, the Xbox 360 had very aggressive mipmapping at glancing angles which resulted in blurry surfaces whereas the PlayStation 3 employed anisotropic filtering to keep surface textures crisp and clean. Aside from these differences, both versions looked almost identical to one another, especially with lighting and
  7. It's actually pretty much the same as on ps3 IMO. Loading times are the major issue and you can just install it.360 version also has a better frame-rate and water effects. lens of truth gave the edge to the ps3 version though. i guess the res and draw distance is better.
  8. buy a used copy at gamestop and then return it within 7 days that's what i did.
  9. rent heavy rain. it starts off slow, but it ends up being a sick interactive experience.
  10. yeah..demos aren't always the best way to judge games. i too hated the heavy rain demo, and then it ended up being one of my favorite single player experiences this gen. i played deadspace for a few hours. i may try to give it another chance down the road.
  11. i can see why you love it. it's very well produced. it just didn't grab me. now the condemned games
  12. i don't think dead space sucks. it just couldn't hold my interest for more than 2 hours. i still don't know why.
  13. i wanted to keep it with very minimalist, using only sound effects... almost an ico-feel. the last 2 puzzles are the hardest. i'm curious as to what you think of them.
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