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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The game was confirmed months ago. Lmfao at you celebrating old news again like it's new news
  2. So like I said you can't count You went from saying not even a year/less than a year to realizing its more than a year wait. SMTV hasn't been announced... Keep begging and waiting
  3. What is a natural man Cooke?
  4. The over world has lots om Frame drops on Switch. But after playing the game, the over world wasn't really needed in this game and was an after thought. They should have gone with a NMH2 type of world. The main gameplay itself though was 60fps. It's like they focused solely on optimizing the main game and didn't bother optimizing the over world.. Lol
  5. This guy is so desperate he can't even count. NMH 3 took more than a year. MH Rise took a year. SMTV is confirmed where? And Bayonetta 3 don't hold your breath. So you did wait and beg and are still waiting and begging for half the list... Thanks for confirming
  6. This was already confirmed months ago. You're making another thread as if this is new news.. Lol
  7. Shocker!!!! Republicans were full of bullshit as always.. What's new?
  8. You're not pushing it beyond the set thresholds that vavle already put in place for it to operate in a mobile profile. If vavle does down the line decide to create a docked profile it will be a higher performing profile when docked than the mobile profile now that's also used when you currently connect the deck to a display. Stay in denial though.
  9. A very few bad apples in the Ukrainian army (who may or may not be active) doesn't mean the army as a whole are far right extremists doofus.
  10. The dock doesn't change the capabilities of the deck, but they would be able to push the deck harder docked than they can in handheld. Valve already stated they focused on a handheld profile and there is currently no docked profile that pushes the deck further...again a design choice by valve. If you want to deny that and believe that they're pushing the deck 100% in handheld mode then by all means.. Stay delusional.. Lol
  11. No one is saying had they added a docked profile you would get PS5 performance at 4K..again don't be silly. All I said was that I you would get BETTER PERFORMANCE with a docked profile compared to the current handheld only profile that you get now when you connect it to a TV. And no they can't give you the full potential of the chip with it running off a battery and also having to contend with thermal issues.
  12. You have it backwards. Steam deck currently only has a handheld profile. There is no docked profile at this point with the deck. That was a design choice. And no don't be silly... Deck doesn't run at 100% power off a battery. If down the line valve decides to add a docked profile the performance would be greater than the current handheld profile. Directly from Valve themselves - When asked whether Valve considered a higher power mode when docked, Steam Deck designer, Greg Coomer, told PC Gamer's own Wes Fenlon: "Ye
  13. Anyway.. I'm done with this silly argument that 10 million in 2 years is a disappointment. Going back to playing cup head last course
  14. Provide proof of your theory Yes a few (in relation to the mass market) internet nerds didn't purchase the game because of leaks on videogames messages boards. That wouldn't impact the mass market buyers, those are the ones who push games sales past 5 million.
  15. Those were your unrealistic expectations not Sony's. Had TLOU2 sold like 5 million alone in two years.. You would have a point.
  16. And it outperformed the original by alot. 10 million in two years on one system is incredibly amazing. You still can't name first party games outside of Pokémon that does those sales in such a short time frame.
  17. It took GOW over 3 years to almost reach 20 million, by the time it got to 20 million it was almost approaching almost 4 years.
  18. 15 million in two years on one system? Who is the one with unrealistic expectations? Elden Ring is on 5 systems doofus. The only first party games that sell that much in such a short time on one system is Pokémon. You're delusional kid.
  19. How much you think TLOU2 should have sold in two years on PS4 alone?
  20. None of Sony's games have outsold Switch's big games... Switch game sales are in another galaxy But for Sony games TLOU2 was a certified blockbuster.
  21. The original took 9 years to reach 20 million on two systems with a combined installation base of 190 million... How stupid are you?
  22. No one is butthurt, we're laughing at your dumbass calling selling 10 million on one system in two years a disappointment
  23. It was announced 6 weeks ago... You're now posting the thread? Nothing else to talk about huh? Why not post about some Xbox games.... Or some PC exclusives or steam deck exclusives or something.
  24. That's what normal people would say.. But not LemiJ.
  25. LemiJ must be some sort of retard or something. It took the first game 9 years to sell 20 million across PS3 and PS4. The sequel sold 10 million in two years on one system.
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