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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. and this is 6 months into the gen... wow. too bad most of yhe games coming out for the rest of the year and into next year are cross gen (on both series X and PS5)... will take a while to get this gen fully going.
  2. The GBA was steller its life for cut short by the early release of the DS. But in that short time it pumped out so many bangers.
  3. Jeeessssus in every thread you're going to start this shit?
  4. Animation is huge part of visuals and always has been, it's hilarious that you're trying to downplay that as a minor thing. Taxing doesn't mean shit when it comes to graphical presentations because one game can be programed a certain way that is more taxing than another game.... but that other game that is less taxing looks better Graphically while being less taxing on that hardware because it used the resources more efficiently.
  5. Why are you constantly having issues staying on the topic. First you tried to spin with "more realistic" by using Flight Sim a game about real world objects to change the subject about what looks more realistic when Ratchet isn't based on reality. Now you're saying what's more "taxing"... again that's not the discussion about what's "taxing"..... or what's technically more taxing.. Stop spinning... the direct question is what game on PC looks as good Graphically as Ratchet on PS5.
  6. list these games... the art is enhanced by the graphic and animation falls under how the games looks as well.... anyway list these so called better looking games on PC
  7. You hit this nail on the head and that's why Remij still hasn't come up with better looking games on PC thab Ratchet on PS5 because no developer can be bothered to make Graphical intensive exclusives on PC anymore Ike they used to 15 years ago.
  8. It looks better than the Ratchet animated movie and better than any PC game
  9. I wonder if Remij thinks MS painstakingly modeled the entire world for this game 🤣😂
  10. The question was already asked and your answer was flight simulator looks more realistic. That right there was your admission that RC looks better because no one claimed a game about talking Aliens looks realistic. Ratchet looks as good as and better than some High Budget Animated movies and it looks better than any game currently on PC.
  11. Well I mean... I hope a plane would look realistic compared to a talking squirrel and space Aliens... since you know talking squirrels and space aliens aren't realistic to begin with. The question was when will PC get a game that looks better than Ratchet.
  12. PC master Race....... yet Remij is struggling to find games on PC that look better than Ratchet
  13. Yea but that's still only catering to the small Xbox base. Where are the mass market IPs? They have enough studios now that they can make a few.
  14. It will take years to rebuild some momentum. Even if they have a good show how soon are hose games releasing? Real talk... MS should have been prepared for this gen. It's not like they were pumping out Banger after Banger for One X. Their development pipeline should have been focused launching Series X with content in year 1. Pathetic.
  15. Nah they'll still support 10 because on the enterprise side that's their bread and butter. 10 will get support for years upon years.
  16. They're like an old married couple.. lol
  17. Even if they aren't graphical wizards next gen only would look better than cross gen.
  18. You contradict yourself so well in one sentence. lol
  19. You know it's going to be held back (in some fashion) because of being cross gen.... they can't go balls to the wall because it still has to run on OG Xbox One.
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