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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I love how these guys think that telling us ANECDOTAL stories is going to help their argument. Especially considering all of the other stuff they have getting wrong, mis-understanding..........what are the chances that this guy's anecdote is actually factually accurate????? Let me guess............a friend of yours TOLD YOU she was making $80,000 right? She must have had like 20-30 years tenure.
  2. Except for a man who was widely known as being America's best investor and self-made rich billionaire, Warren Buffett. And other rich people as well. Venture-capitalist millionaire Nick Hanauer gave a TED talk in which he was telling other rich people that if they don't change the tax code soon, people will revolt and they will come after them: And this millionaire is also saying that his taxes shouldn't be lower than other people's: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/17/millionaire-zero-jobs-taxes And here is a billionaire getting
  3. You know its bad when they look at their uncle's Facebook post that he shared on his timeline, and they think to themselves "YEAH, I should post this on SW and this will totally own da leftists!!"
  4. Yeah you are. You are definitely losing your shit. You lost your shit, pretty badly last night, I had to turn around and give you free psychological therapy session last night. You aren't blaming anybody.........because you don't notice what's happening. It doesn't stop history from being true. Ignorance of the issue is not a persuasive argument.
  5. You're losing your mind over regular people changing the laws in their favor. (which would mean it would also be in YOUR favor, because you are definitely middle-class). Why do you seem to be losing your shit over that?
  6. He just told you. He doesn't feel threatened in the older games, he feels much more tense in RE4. The great part is how Resident Evil no longer have a specific DEFINITION for its gameplay, that was effectively killed with RE7. That's why I called this thread "RE purists are dead" because back in the RE4 days, the RE purist had a specific thing which they could define. That's no longer the case. See, your pathetic method to get out of this argument is to use the phrase "a good Resident Evil game" RE has been so many different things, y
  7. Its amazing that these alt-right'ers just so happen to know alot of information about Jews and about the Third Reich. Just the other day, I believe it was TLHBO, he just started throwing out the term: Ashkenazi Jew. Like as if its supposed to be something that is casually known. They REALLY do seem to know alot about Jews, for some odd reason.
  8. But it would lead to more middle-class Americans living more comfortable and secure lives in the middle-class. You seem to think that there isn't a consolation in implementing such a change. Wait wait wait a minute. You want rich people who get so rich.........that they have a "limit" to where they just stop paying taxes? Which if you average that out into a percentage, their effective tax rate would drop way low? That's like saying there should be a super-car that hits 250mpg........and the gas mileage becomes ridiculously efficient once he drives
  9. He will not keep his stocks forever, it will eventually be sold. So i got no problem waiting 6 months or 30 years. Stocks are bought and sold every day. Buffett buys stocks, therefore the seller would be taxed. You are pointing out something that is completely irrelevant. And secondly. -Lawyers don't work to change tax laws..........for free -Investment "vehicles" don't work to change tax laws..........for free -Lobbyists don't work to change tax laws.............for free -Banks don't work to change tax laws............for free -Thi
  10. Umm, yeah, sure you invented the style of capitalizing key words that you want to emphasize, I'm sure the forum would agree with you on that one. LOL And you are still proving my point. "did that happen by accident" Buffett has lawyers to take advantage of tax laws because the RICH HAD THE TAX LAWS CHANGED TO ADD COUNTLESS LOOPHOLES. One of my favorite Jon Stewart quotes: "POOR PEOPLE did not force politicians to create complicated tax laws" This has already been explained to you, if he makes money within the United States, he will be
  11. Except for all the other western democracies where it does work. And it worked in America, as well.
  12. Rich people are concerned about other people's money. That's why they push so hard to change the laws so that more of the tax burden falls on YOU than it does on them. Once again............Warren Buffett says that his effective tax rate is 14 to 16 percent. And the regular middle-class person is 24 to 36 percent. You think that happened by accident? You seem to think that you aren't doing anything to rich people...........while not noticing that rich people have already been DOING THINGS to you for decades. There's a NAME for that:
  13. They get P-I-S-S-E-D when we point this out. I am amazed that our culture has been able to convince everybody that thinks they have a legit shot at getting rich. Which is ironic because we're trying to improve the wealth GAP so that people DO HAVE the education, DO HAVE the extra money so that they CAN TAKE A RISK and maybe be an entrepenuer some day, and who knows, MAYBE start making some money and climbing upwards. But we need infrastructure and support for middle-class people to attempt this. They truly don't understand: WE ARE TRYING TO IMPRO
  14. And they got rich by bending the tax laws in their favor. If that's part of the game, then we can bend those laws back in the middle-class' favor. Republicans in the 1950's didn't have a problem with taxing the rich. This isn't a "liberal" issue because Republicans in the 1950 sure as hell weren't libs.
  15. I have seen more complaints of RE4 in this thread, than I have ever seen on this forum or the other forum, in the past 10 years. This is definitely Revisionist RE4 hating. Its one thing if people had said "I loved RE4, but I think its dated, so I don't think anything of it, now." For example, that is the way I feel about Chronicles of Riddick. But I'm able to praise my good times with that game. But that's not what people are doing. They are trying to retroactively pretending that they've always looked down on RE4. Laughable.
  16. They're fighting us. Because WE, meaning me and you.................are going to take their IMAGINARY GOLD FROM THE FUTURE!!!!! They truly believe they are: Temporarily Embarassed Millionaires in waiting.
  17. You are bitter towards people in your OWN class. It doesn't make sense that you two would be complaining and fighting as much as you are. The mental gymnastic you (and ghost) make to associate yourself with these rich people makes it seem that you genuinely feel like you will be a rich person someday, and you're trying to stop me from taking your IMAGINARY GOLD!!!!! lol
  18. These guys are literally praising and worshiping the rich. I literally show them a quote of one of the richest men in the world, and one of the greatest businessmen of the past century in which he is saying "RICH PEOPLE NEED TO PAY MORE TAXES." (Warren Buffet) Goes completely over their heads, and they pretend that they didn't see.
  19. It would fix alot of it. Because people earning $200,000 a year aren't the one evading taxes. It's the ones who earn money in the multi-millions. And the 70% marginal tax rate would definitely begin to fix that. Elizabeth Warren's 1% wealth tax..............Think about that, ONE additional fucking percent applied to the 12,000 richest households in America.......would generate $2.75 Trillion dollars over the course of 10 years. Think of how much education and infrastructure could be accomplished on just that, alone.
  20. Dude you guys are absolutely blowing my mind on just how big of a chump you guys are. I've never seen people work harder to CARRY WATER for rich people. Mark Zuckerberg doesn't accomplish shit without an internet infrastructure that was built by American taxpayers AND regular middle-class Americans who have enough spending money to be connected online and have internet-connected devices to make his website grow. Steve Jobs and Apple do not have success in the early 80's if there isn't school districts who purchase the Apple II and makes the company profitabl
  21. You are paying more taxes for each dollar that you make.......than the rich person pays for each dollar that he currently makes. Please explain that logic to me. Please explain how the other 90% of society shouldn't be able to change our tax laws to correct that?
  22. The state of Wisconsin gave $4 Billion dollars to Foxconn to build a manufacturing plant. A big manufacturing plant where regular guys, potentially upwards of 13,000 of them, can get a job in a manufacturing line for a big company. And now, Foxconn is saying "NAH, we don't like building a manufacturing plant here, we'll just build a small office building for some engineers. https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1PO0FV?utm_source=reddit.com Wisconsin taxpayers literally gave $4 billion dollars in welfare to an already rich corporation. And they're not
  23. No. I'm sorry to be mean, but you need to corrected. Did you pay your public education? 12 years worth? Did you pay for your own birth at the hospital? Did your parents? Did anybody in your family require government assistance when you were young? You think you'd have a job if you didn't have a diploma? Are you self-employed.............or are you working at a business that relies on a consumer economy? You DIDN'T DO THIS BY YOURSELF...........you had the benefit of growing up in a system that PUTS YOU IN A POSITION to get a
  24. They're not being punished. THey are the very people who would feel the tax burden the least. And they benefit from having made money from the biggest middle-class in the world. It is in the BEST INTERESTS of rich people and corporations that the American middle-class HAVE MONEY and be productive citizens. You can't buy things if all of your money is going to the rent and your medical expenses. Don't you understand that America runs on a consumer economy? If they don't have the money, and if the basic necessities EATS ALL THE MONEY..
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