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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Wtf are you even talking about. What mRNA virus? The vaccines carry a small fragment of the virus "the spike protein" which triggers an autoimmune response. This has nothing to do with efficacy or danger. You're conflating multiple things. The vaccine is not the mRNA, the mRNA is just a delivery method for the spike protein.
  2. You know absolutely nothing. It's the spike protein that triggers the immune system into creating antibodies. The mRNA is just a delivery method.
  3. mRNA has nothing to do with the efficacy of a vaccine you tit. mRNA is a delivery mechanism, not the vaccine itself. Sweetie.
  4. Flu shots are not mRNA vaccines jehurey. No one was talking about a 3rd shot when these vaccines were coming out no one. Stop lying.
  5. Lol, such a great success that we need more boosters which was never the intention to begin with. They said 1 shot and then a booster 3 weeks later. Not multiple boosters afterwards. They also said it would stop the spread which it clearly isnt. This is what happens when you have a condensed trial period. Sweetie
  6. Side effects in "traditional adenovirus vaccines" you mean. These are the first mRNA vaccines which have no long term effects studies sweetie pie.
  7. How do you know there are no long term effects sweetie It's only been 8 months sweetie. Sweetie you just know everything. Aww sweetie, I hope that spike protein in your shoulder doesn't break off the injection site and lodge in your prostate or ovaries sweetie 🙂
  8. We have never given mRNA vaccines to children before. Would you let Pfizer use your child as a test subject for them?
  9. Why do you isolate one sentence from things I say and disregard everything else?
  10. This does not effect national numbers and Mississippi is the most obese state in your country. We know obesity is the number 1 covid morbidity. People should care about their health a little more than just getting a vaccine shot and everything will be peachy. We need a big picture approach which is clearly lacking.
  11. Alright carebear. I'll come back with BC is 90% fully vaxxed and the virus is still raging.
  12. Oh here comes the sweetie bullshit. Kids have a covid fatality rate of 00.0069 The vaccine doesn't stop the spread so wtf is the point of giving it to them when we know younger people have more reactions to the vaccine? Why sweetie? Is it worth it to you? Hmm honey bear?
  13. No they are not mandates to enter restaraunts and sports games and theaters. They are not required to enjoy basic things in life even though it kills children at a far higher rate than covid. It kills 10s of thousands of people yearly and no one bats an eye because we are just used to living with it. We need the same mindset for covid or life is going to be shit for a long long time.
  14. There's a reason we don't mandate flu vaccines. There's new variants every year and the efficacy is very short, just like the Covid vaccines. Do I need to spell it out for you again? Polio vaccines IMMUNIZE you from the virus and offers LIFE LONG protection Covid vaccines last 6 months and offer some protections but do not immunize or sterilize or stop you from spreading, contracting etc etc. They are shit vaccines. We need BETTER.
  15. Oh my god you have to be obtuse to not be able to tell the difference between a vaccine that lasts a lifetime and one that barely lasts half a year and still allows for transmission and infection. Like come the fuck on jehurey.
  16. Notice I didn't say peer reviewed study? It's preliminary data doofus.
  17. Notice we still have the flu and polio is be nearly non existent?
  18. ahhh yes. A CORONAVIRUS. see where im going with this? We have never been able to vaccinate coronaviruses! They mutate far too quickly and the vaccines do not inoculate the patient. So, again, do you and will you receive a booster shot every 6 months for the rest of your life for COVID19? Or maybe just wait until you are in a more susceptible age group? and no no, thank YOU for playing.
  19. The polio vaccine provides lifelong immunity The measles vaccine provides lifelong immunity The herpes vaccine lasts 5 years The chickenpox vaccine lasts 10-20 years The yellow fever vaccine lasts 10 years need i continue? 6 months even after a second shot is an incredibly short length of time.
  20. name one vaccine that has lost its effectiveness after 6 months..
  21. steal momentum from who? Sony? Doesn't feel like either of them have momentum.
  22. Back to my original point. Do you think we should be "vaccinating" children as young as 1 to save elderly people? Im using the term vaccine loosely now because technically these aren't even proper vaccines. a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
  23. and now they are requesting 3 shots, and soon to be 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 because we know the efficacy is extremely limited
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