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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. apollo justice collection, thats something i guess
  2. how is that a weird opinion? these have literally been at every xbox showcase for the last 4 years fable avowed sea of thieves ms flight sim hellblade 2 fallout 76 forza elder scrolls online
  3. this is spot on, since starield doesnt release for another 3 months. back to redfall and benedict fox till then
  4. they also hyped plague tale 2 like it was a first party exclusive for a year when their entire 2022 got delayed
  5. Quad Damage


    then a year goes by
  6. we're talking major/AAA games. xbox hasn't released one since halo infinite in 2021.think about that. sony arent the ones that are massively behind delivering games for their games console, obviously xbox is the one that needs to show more. redfall tonite guyz?
  7. Ok. xbox still hasnt released a game since 2021, and stays showing/not showing games announced in 2019. lmao
  8. bro sony announced and RELEASED actual games since those games were announced xbox hasnt released a AAA first party game since HALO INFINITE....in 2021
  9. when you realize almost all of those xbox games were announced before the announcement of god of war ragnarok, horizon 2, ratchet rift apart, spiderman miles, demons souls, gran turismo 7..
  10. gears 6 perfect dark indiana jones stalker 2 contraband everwild/anything from rare kojima cloud game all mia might as well throw fable in there too since they showed just as much gameplay
  11. after all the hype, not only was there no gameplay, the showcase was just the same xbox shit as usual - sea of thieves, ms flight sim, forza, avowed, fable, hellblade for the 5th year in a row.... are those payday games any good?
  12. after all this time, all they had to show of fable was a netflix trailer for a new honey i srunk the kids tv show. what the fuck even was that? @twinblade did you rike it?
  13. looks like one of those spin-offs that would be exclusive to ds/3ds
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