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Avenatti lmfao

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Can you imagine how much more we are going to make fun of Vini if he can't even get THIS right.  Avenatti, who is a camera-grabbing lawyer for just ONE of Trump's many scandals.


This is the highest-ranking "leftist" that the alt-righter's could get a hold of, and there's a chance that this accusation is related to a person who was already caught making false accusations. lol


Can you imagine if Vini can't even get this one right, just how much fun we are going to be making fun of him?

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These are actual banners on his website           

This faggot has nothing on Mueller or Kavanaugh for that matter. Those are men with long strong public service records, Avennati is a pornstar lawyer.  

Man its amazing............Vini created this thread specifically about Michael Avenatti getting charges with a crime against a woman.   ..................and, for some reason, he seems to ha

On 2018-11-17 at 5:48 PM, jehurey said:

LOL, I love how we already made fun of him for trying to portray Avenatti as some leftist hero.


No, vini.................you can't even WIN on a hill this small.:lawl::lawl::lawl:


On 2018-11-20 at 11:05 AM, jehurey said:

Can you imagine how much more we are going to make fun of Vini if he can't even get THIS right.  Avenatti, who is a camera-grabbing lawyer for just ONE of Trump's many scandals.


This is the highest-ranking "leftist" that the alt-righter's could get a hold of, and there's a chance that this accusation is related to a person who was already caught making false accusations. lol


Can you imagine if Vini can't even get this one right, just how much fun we are going to be making fun of him?

[Less than 48 hours later....]




Los Angeles prosecutor declines felony case against Avenatti

By BRIAN MELLEY27 minutes ago


LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Los Angeles district attorney declined to prosecute attorney Michael Avenatti on felony domestic abuse charges on Wednesday and referred allegations that he roughed up his girlfriend to the city attorney for a possible misdemeanor case.

Avenatti, 47, was arrested on suspicion of felony domestic violence last week after his girlfriend told police he abused her at his Los Angeles apartment following an argument.


A restraining order against Avenatti was issued after actress Mareli Miniutti said he dragged her by the arm across a bedroom floor.

Avenatti, who had called the allegations “completely false” and a fabrication, said in a statement he was thankful the district attorney had rejected the charges and was “especially grateful for justice” at Thanksgiving.


“I am completely innocent. I have absolute faith in the system that I will be fully exonerated,” Avenatti told The Associated Press. “This whole thing is bogus.”


A spokeswoman for the district attorney would not say why prosecutors declined to take the case from Los Angeles police. Documents supporting the decision were not released because the case was referred to the city attorney and was still under investigation.

The city attorney’s office will review the case, a spokesman said.


Avenatti, who is mulling a presidential run, is best known as the attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, who has said she had an affair with President Donald Trump in 2006, a claim Trump denies.


As Daniels’ lawyer, Avenatti has pursued the president and those close to him relentlessly for months, taunting Trump in interviews and baiting him and his lawyers in tweets.


Miniutti said in her request for a restraining order that she was wearing only a T-shirt and underwear when Avenatti grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the bed. She said she was scratched on her side and leg. Court papers include photographs that appear to show bruises.


The order was granted Monday.


An attorney for Miniutti did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

Avenatti said that he would be vindicated once footage from security cameras in the building was reviewed, even though the violence described by Miniutti would not have occurred in the building’s public areas.


Associated Press writers Catherine Lucey and Michael Balsamo contributed to this report.




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Michael Avenatti sued Donald Trump for defaming Stormy Daniels against her wishes, Daniels told The Daily Beast in a statement on Wednesday.







Avenatti also started a new fundraising site to raise money for her legal defense fund without telling her, Daniels said. She said she is not sure whether or not she will keep Avenatti on as her lawyer.

Here is her full statement, provided to The Daily Beast: “For months I’ve asked Michael Avenatti to give me accounting information about the fund my supporters so generously donated to for my safety and legal defense. He has repeatedly ignored those requests. Days ago I demanded again, repeatedly, that he tell me how the money was being spent and how much was left. Instead of answering me, without my permission or even my knowledge Michael launched another crowdfunding campaign to raise money on my behalf. I learned about it on Twitter.

“I haven’t decided yet what to do about legal representation moving forward. Michael has been a great advocate in many ways. I’m tremendously grateful to him for aggressively representing me in my fight to regain my voice. But in other ways Michael has not treated me with the respect and deference an attorney should show to a client. He has spoken on my behalf without my approval. He filed a defamation case against Donald Trump against my wishes. He repeatedly refused to tell me how my legal defense fund was being spent. Now he has launched a new crowdfunding campaign using my face and name without my permission and attributing words to me that I never wrote or said. I’m deeply grateful to my supporters and they deserve to know their money is being spent responsibly. I don’t want to hurt Michael, but it’s time to set the record straight. The truth has always been my greatest ally.




Avenatti's response: 



“I am and have always been Stormy’s biggest champion. I have personally sacrificed an enormous amount of money, time and energy toward assisting her because I believe in her. I have always been an open book with Stormy as to all aspects of her cases and she knows that. The retention agreement Stormy signed back in February provided that she would pay me $100.00 and that any and all other monies raised via a legal fund would go toward my legal fees and costs. Instead, the vast majority of the money raised has gone toward her security expenses and similar other expenses. The most recent campaign was simply a refresh of the prior campaign, designed to help defray some of Stormy’s expenses.”

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Avanetti's sort of like a smarter Anthony Scaramucci.  He gets credit for bringing down Michael Cohen (and given Cohen's impending guilty plea, that's a big fucking get right there), but he's still...well, it's pretty obvi he was just the right type of jackass at the right time.

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Avenatti is most definitely a publicity seeking lawyer who wants to rile up people because it gives him more publicity.


That has never been up for debate.  People cheer him on because he's an effective jackass.


He's basically saying that he won the previous lawsuit regarding the $160,000 payout and breach of contract, but he didn't get any money out of it, so he pushed for the defamation suit so that they could get money out of it.


That's seems like something a typical lawyer would do.

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12 minutes ago, Vini said:

How the narrative changed from a F1 driving badass lawyer to publicity whore. :D


"Every lawyer is like this bro"


Hey Vini.


How that's Avenatti sexual assault charge coming along?:jasonj:


Go find us posts of us looking up to Avenatti as a left-wing hero.  We can wait.

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12 minutes ago, Vini said:

Let me get this straight. An assault charge and restraining order later and you're still taking the man's side? How does this sit with your #metoo feminist sisters?

no updates on the sexual assault charges?  You created the OP... keep us updated bro :interesting:

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1 hour ago, Vini said:

Let me get this straight. An assault charge and restraining order later and you're still taking the man's side? How does this sit with your #metoo feminist sisters?

LA District Attorney's office is not going to charge him, sweetcheeks.


I love how you pretended to NOT READ this...........you were even on the forum in other threads when I posted this last week.


Its at the top of this page, no less. LOL


And the restraining order..........is a temporary restraining order (as they all usually are). It will expire, especially since there are no charges being sought after by the district attorney's office.

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9 hours ago, Vini said:


2 weeks and counting still not a shred of proof that I did this. 

Sure, hun.  Sure. :cruise: 


EDIT: I just realized what this thread is.  Avenatti's not going to jail.  He'll probably fade into obscurity or something.  But now Vini has a politics thread in which he can avoid all the real news, like Michael Cohen pleading guilty to Mueller to lying to congress about brokering a real estate deal between Trump and Putin.


We're posting in Vini's Safe Space™. :rawf: 



Edited by McWickedSmawt85
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2 hours ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

Sure, hun.  Sure. :cruise: 


EDIT: I just realized what this thread is.  Avenatti's not going to jail.  He'll probably fade into obscurity or something.  But now Vini has a politics thread in which he can avoid all the real news, like Michael Cohen pleading guilty to Mueller to lying to congress about brokering a real estate deal between Trump and Putin.


We're posting in Vini's Safe Space™. :rawf: 



Vini tried to play stupid and PRETEND that he doesn't know the latest news about Avenatti's assault accusation.


And I pointed him to the news saying that the LA District Attorney's office has dropped the case...............and the poor guy ran away a SECOND TIME.:tom:

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Run away from what? This was never a sexual assault charge read through my post and see if there's a single mention of sexual assault. He assaulted a woman. 


Another attempt from alt left to move goal posts and claim victory. Fuckin pathetic.


You're still defending a woman beating ambulance chasing pornstar lawyer because he happens to be anti Trump


Edited by Vini
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11 minutes ago, Vini said:

Run away from what? This was never a sexual assault charge read through my post and see if there's a single mention of sexual assault. He assaulted a woman. 


Another attempt from alt left to move goal posts and claim victory. Fuckin pathetic.


You're still defending a woman beating ambulance chasing pornstar lawyer because he happens to be anti Trump


.........and according to the LA Attorney General's office.............there is no assault charge, either.:trump:


Vini is trying to DERAIL his OWN THREAD to talk about what we typed.............instead of following up what HE typed. LOL


He thinks he can get OUT OF THIS because we described it as a sexual assault instead of a normal assault.


That is actually worse than you just plainly running away.

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I don't know why you guys are even arguing over Avenatti.  Whatever happens to him means precisely jack shit.  It's not like he gets into trouble, then he gets indicted, then he flips on Hillary or some shit.  If he gets into trouble, that's it.  That's all.  It's the polar opposite of what happens when someone like Manafort or Cohen gets indicted and flips on a bigger fish.


There is no bigger fish with Avenatti.  It's just Avenatti.  This might've been news before Cohen plead guilty to campaign finance violations, but since then?  There's nothing to defend, bruhs.  Let Vini have his safe space.

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