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This is a good video on how online dating is a lost cause for most men

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8 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

Dating sites just magnify the issue that 98% of women flock to the same 3% of men.

There is an observation from Jordan Peterson that also says the same thing.

In college, only less than 5% of all campus men fuck all of the women.

If you are not part of it, then you don't get anything.

However I wouldn't use dating apps to find quality women.

They are full of train wrecks, single moms and whores with plenty of emotional baggage.

All I will say is that from what I've seen throughout my life, the kind of women who all flock to and fight over the handful of "chads" are not the type of women you want a relationship with. They're all naive, gullible and impressionable, often young too "18-23".  After that they tend to grow out of it. This is why those guys get so many, because the girls have about 5 brain cells between them. Not talking about celebs or really rich guys.


Guys get hung up on not banging a lot of airheads but really its just a hedonistic lifestyle thats promoted and glamourized by the media. Not to get into politics but, theres something to that find a girl and start a family thing.  As you get older you realize a lot of ehat you were told was a load of shit.



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Also:   Staying in shape  being confident  Showing you’re a provider (but not with bragging)  having a sense of humor  letting them know you are kind, but not a doormat. 

First few minutes of the vid... There's a graph showing that if you're a male 7 you're equal to a female 3 on a dating app..... What kinda rating system is that, like life's an RPG or something... How

My “I don’t need you, but I’ll gladly stick my dick in you” attitude does well on tinder/bumble. If you are looking for something serious, I recommend something old-fashion like match. 

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As an aside here, I’ve met my last two long term partners and had numerous dates/hookups from dating sites. You guys must be ugly af or have boring ass profiles. :muttley:

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2 hours ago, TLHBO said:

All I will say is that from what I've seen throughout my life, the kind of women who all flock to and fight over the handful of "chads" are not the type of women you want a relationship with. They're all naive, gullible and impressionable, often young too "18-23".  After that they tend to grow out of it. This is why those guys get so many, because the girls have about 5 brain cells between them. Not talking about celebs or really rich guys.


Guys get hung up on not banging a lot of airheads but really its just a hedonistic lifestyle thats promoted and glamourized by the media. Not to get into politics but, theres something to that find a girl and start a family thing.  As you get older you realize a lot of ehat you were told was a load of shit.



Lol possibly unrelated, but I find guys who need to generalize and insult women out of nowhere when talking about dating seek external factors and never consider that they just suck and women sense it. 


Yes, being attractive is definitely gonna get you far but women want to have fun, feel safe, are attracted to, and someone who is generally on their level in the ways they value at the time. 


A woman doesn't need a dating app to fuck a good looking guy. They can literally exist and that will happen if they really just want that. 


Women rule the roost on dating apps but people also have to chill the fuck out. I was on okc and tinder heavy and responses come in waves. You sometimes won't make that match til days later, or get a response to a match for days. There inbox is most likely very active and people have other shit to do. 


From the women I met from apps the number 1 complaint I've heard was dudes who kept messaging them or sent passive aggressive messages if they didn't respond in like 24 hours. People need to look at it as an introduction app and not ubereats for relationships. 

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Does anyone remember a user on here that said he'd kill himself if he didn't get laid by a certain time? Then he got laid? His posts were so depressing. But glad he lived. Hope he's still living.


 But  ya, as for things like Tinder and Bumble, it's hit and miss. I got matches, but they don't respond. I seem to get matches everytime I go out of town. I don't want long distance. But those matches are far in between.

 I still like being in person. It's easier to gauge someone than just swiping and hoping for the best. 

  A few years back, my cousin got on tinder. He matched with someone and they were chatting for a minute. He then asked if she wanted to meet up. She accepted, and then she suggested this expensive ass restaraunt in Beverly Hills.


 My cousin was like "You wanna just get a coffee?"


She responded with "Ok, bye".. And a few minutes later she followed up with "Loser"...


What a bitch...

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