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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2017-10-14 in Posts

  1. i have an autism level memory in general, no joke i remember things from 10 years ago from conversations with people irl and it freaks them out
    2 points
  2. Ya. I loved what I played, but never finished it.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. im like 20 hours into witcher 3. Game is way too good. i love how ppl react when i throw a punch in the air by accident after looting. game looks amazing too run on high settings, just turned off the hair bs. just did the bloody baron stuff where you get to play ciri for the first time. at first i was like yea cool no signs, 1 sword.... but the first wolf attack i dodged i was like and shes super cute, love her ass and voice acting. I hope they make a witcher spin off with her.
    1 point
  5. Lmao Bodycounts pics in this thread are legendary Mine are all a bit older before I stopped using Photobucket. Some good GS era shit
    1 point
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