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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Yes, that is why I said the "former", genius. Referring to "how to think" and said "think for yourself despite what you're told". You're not remotely clever enough to be condescending to anyone.
  2. lol the former is worse actually. If you can think for yourself, it doesn't matter what someone tells you to think. Part of your problem. I can watch FOX all day and know everything they are saying it bullshit.
  3. Toxic is a relative term. While FB is more family friendly, it's still a problem. The amount of times someone told me something utterly idiotic that they read on FB and thought was valid isn't a joke.
  4. They better get that Summer DLC up and running for GTAO in the next week or two. This is ridiculous.
  5. I know you're too stupid to probably get this, but I'll raise you one. Give me your family's contact information. Give me your bosses phone number and email. Give me your full name. I'll call and harass them, I'll show them the racist, stupid shit you say on here. I'll threaten them and stuff and I'll get about a dozen other people or more to do the same. I mean that is the same thing as you telling me to kill myself on this contained platform according to you, I assume you wouldn't have a problem with that.
  6. Hey guys, I'm just gonna keep posting an unrelated decade old tweet that lacks any sort of credibility or context and might not even reflect the author's current stance over and over again because I'm so clever and tough. lol If you're over the age of 13, something went really wrong in your development.
  7. No one said you cared. I said you're stupid and incapable of any sort of critical or dynamic thought, and your comeback was stupid and narrowminded. lol " I nailed this situation to a T" Jesus, it's fucking scary that someone so dumb actually thinks they're smart. It's like a stack of kids in a trench coat pretending to be an adult or something. You're not fooling anyone bro.
  8. I don't even know who the fuck this person is, nor do I care honestly. However that's not the point that was being made. Maybe if you were intelligent enough to parse more than one line of thought simultaneously you wouldn't be such an insecure bigot. Constantly flaunting your inferiority complex wrapped in a 10 year's idea of hyper masculinity.
  9. So how would walking away from the screen stop people from calling their homes, their families' homes, their jobs, posting their personal information on the internet exactly? Why are you the shittiest, most ignorant person ALL THE TIME? There is a difference between what goes on a site like this, and being doxxed by a group determined to doxx and ruin people's lives. Of the worst people in the 20 years of SW, you're by far the worst by an incredible margin. It's actually sad people like you actually exist.
  10. Not really. Outside of shitty internet people, when do you hear of people randomly harassing someone/their friends/coworkers/family? Also anonymously, so it's not like the victim can really even fight back or retaliate. When you dont actually think about the stupid shit you say, I'm sure it makes sense. You genuinely seem incapable of thinking about anything other than your love of xbox.
  11. True, While DC is one step away from a Klan robe fitting, Cocke has been backdoored into his bigotry.
  12. lol You hear that Cocke? The dude who posts watered down neo nazi manifestos and shit is on your side and says you both share the same world view. I wonder if this might actually make you think for a second.
  13. I was actually watching a rerun of Last Week Tonight about Tucker Carlson and how he embraces racist rhetoric and they showed an old clip from the 90's where he almost verbatim said that stupid shit Cocke said in here. It's almost troll level at this point.
  14. This kind of reply is why there's been a push for more diverse bodies. There has always have been and always will be people of larger body masses, or "whales' as you call them. Stuff like this is actually isn't meant to celebrate as much as for acceptance and for people to not be ridiculed for how they look. It's also to help establish that people in media at least represent the population. It's not simply to put people on TV and media that men want to fuck.
  15. I'm still baffled at how you have the stupidest takes on everything. If you were a broken clock you would still some how never have the right time.
  16. Yes, they should be shamed. Tell us again your "let's just pretend we dont have eyes and treat everyone equally" bullshit you dont even believe again.
  17. You've said that multiple times you fucking liar. Go fuck yourself
  18. No, because you were complaining about some big girl being in a commercial. As if they should be ostracized from society and never be seen or something.
  19. I almost forgot that Cocke actually believes white people have it worse in Canada than people of color. Yet he's not an aggrieved idiot. Is it entitlement or just a lack of self awareness?
  20. I have an Asian friend who has been cursed at and confronted and called racial slurs by angry white men 3 times in the past few months... In fucking New York City of all places. She's an engineer and was supposed to work on a building site in Staten Island and her boss reassigned her because he was worried for her safety there. In 20fucking21. So Cocke and Dynosuck keep telling us that this is all nonsense and you two white men who say stupid, racist shit all the time yet have all the answers in whether or not racism is a current issue or not.
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