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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. I don't know how they are going to hold out for 16 more months. Plus even a 500 PS5 isn't going to light charts imo, nevermind a Scarlett. Things are looking pretty grim.
  2. So from what I'm gathering X is dropping below the Pro in terms of deals for the system pricewise?
  3. The sales insiders are saying PS4 discounts are so uncommon even 50 dollar discounts have a huge effect on sales. XBox is constantly discounted to hell.and they seem to have dried out all the cheap ass buyers pool
  4. If Game Pass can't sell cheap discounted consoles. Why would it exactly sell XCloud subs. We shall see.
  5. It wouldn't sell even at 150 I think. It's literally worthless.
  6. Everyone forgets but MS launched the XBox One SAD, and we are clearly seeing the results here. It sold literally nothing.
  7. FF7 is the king of E3. Zelda could be if it wasn't in such early development, issue it looks great but it's more of the same
  8. There is no point in owning an X if you can go PC. Like at all. The Pro is 3 years old, and is too dated in the face of the upcoming PS5.
  9. YTD Performance [NSW] +23% (~ +270k) [PS4] -33% (~ -510k) [XB1] -34% (~ -390k) The declines are similar but the difference is Sony is actually going for full profit mode in hardware, while MS is dropping it to such bargain bin levels they probably hate being in hardware right now. If MS followed PS4 pricing they'd be doing GameCube levels.
  10. This is actually good news, they are already bordering on jumping the third party train completely. This will only accelerate the process. Mind you this is the US. The European and Asian sale stats are probably comically bad.
  11. I would love to know if Halo and all games on Steam will affect hardware sales for XBox in any manner?
  12. I don't see Scarlett salvaging the XBox hardware division into a worthy PS5 competitor unless some miracle happens.
  13. Too close to next gen to get a premium. Upgrade your PC or get a switch. Then play all XBox shit on PC. Get a PS5 if you missed out on current gen exclusives at launch.
  14. The irony of his comment is that Bayonetta PS3 is arguably the most botched port of the PS360 gen.
  15. Platinum boss Atsushi Inaba unimpressed by PS5/Scarlett: "It's more of the same" Asked for his reaction to the platform holders’ plans, Inaba said: “It’s OK. And by that I mean, I’m sure that things will move faster, graphics will be better and maybe it will be easier with less wait times… that’s good for the consumer. “But it’s more of the same, quite frankly, compared to previous generations. It’s nothing that’s disruptive or super innovative, if you ask me.” He added: “Game hardware used to be about custom chips that you couldn’t do on PCs. Now you look at it an
  16. It's a sign of commitment to the brand. The narrative was that Sony is becoming arrogant and MS is going to make a next gen comeback, the XBox crowd actually believes this. They are also going to be in a world of hurt when Sony starts committing to PS5 only exclusives to sell the hardware. MS for the time being is releasing an XBox One X 2. Even Crapgamer doesn't want to buy that.
  17. The MS conference was a a bloated cancerous monstrosity. Whole thing was a waste of two.hours.
  18. Talent. MGS2 shit all over whatever Silicon Knights did with Twin Snakes 3 years later on more powerful hardware. Hardware is a fraction of the equation.
  19. PS2 had amazing looking games because all the talent worked in it. The Wii era was famous for games looking worse than the PS2 for 90 percent if the games because all talent outside if Nintendo first party shifted to PS360. And that thing was a big step up from GameCube
  20. GOTG candidate incoming, top 3 this gen. Right in time for a next gen version. I assume it's UE4 hopefully with FF7 level productions.
  21. PS2 had a huge memory bandwidth advantage over GC and XBox though. It's why stuff like MGS2 or SH2 have framerate issues and graphics downgrade.
  22. GameCube was a purple lunchbox while PS2 was used by Saddam to launch missiles. What did the average casual think was more powerful?
  23. People seem to pretend that all these millions of casuals watch Digital Foundry or something. Power itself doesnt matter, it's how well you market it. Vast majority of people outside of forums thought PS2 was more powerful than Gamecube for example.
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