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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Word on the street is Navi is garbage and can't even clock higher than Vega
  2. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SHIT DYNAMITE It's extremely clear... especially how quickly you jumped to the "RemijHBR omfggdf RT on AMD GPUZZZZ teh RTX sukz" bullshit. It's like it was a revelation to you that non RTX cards could do ray tracing. Crytek's demo is extremely fucking limited and I've already explained just SOME of the ways that it is. Voxel based GI has been around for a LONG time... That tech demo completely fooled you fuck heads into thinking that they're going to be on the same level... especially in games But of course you fuckheads took it and ran
  3. I don't have to... I just have to wait..and let you embarrass yourself.. you stupid fuck
  4. No.. your post is fucking retarded. You have NO FUCKING UNDERSTANDING of how this technology works. You've proven it again and again. Crytek's demo is limited as FUCK. It's a canned tech demo, not an actual game... it's 100% guided... it's locked to 30fps... and it looks basic. The scene is basic as fuck and not dynamic at all. You're going to embarrass the fuck out of yourself again... aren't you sick of losing and being wrong 100% of the time.. especially with me? Just stop idiot
  5. Jesus fucking CHRIST Dynamite... you are legit retarded man. You're so fucking stupid it makes my head hurt. Dude... legit.. stop talking to me.
  6. Well, DXR being all all DX12 capable GPUs now should help with more games adopting it.
  7. @Team 2019 So, one of the reviewers is apparently gushing about the game and says that this game's world is the best interconnected world that FROMSOFT has ever made. Says there's more to things than what's been shown. 3 days
  8. Ray tracing is coming in full force.... you can just tell by the sheer amount of GDC talks about it this year DXRemij
  9. The irony being that both of those will be announced for PC soon.
  10. This is great. People will get to experience DXR... with low fps.. and want to upgrade to RTX
  11. They don't want to release it while so many other bangers are releasing.
  12. You're so dumb. First of all... DLSS isn't coming to non RTX cards... Secondly, literally EVERYBODY knew this already.... DXR supports a RT fallback mode which is supported by all DX12 capable devices... They're literally just enabling now in the driver.
  13. Real time graphics man... Next gen is going to be insane.
  14. Yea, that's pretty awesome. Kind of simplistic, but much better than traditional raster SS reflections.
  15. Racing games will look insane this coming gen. Will be released to play with on Apr 4th.
  16. We lived it...we know the times we lived through.. It can be collected and displayed in museums... not in my fucking house gathering dust.
  17. Buying plastic which can be stolen from you, or destroyed
  18. Look at all these kiddie consoles I've collected over the years! This one I had to pay a premium for and then upgrade to a faggy pink case.. but I got the mouse and keyboard for it for free! Truly a blessing!
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