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Everything posted by Remij

  1. He's trying to argue whether 12 is a higher number than 10 LOL he just said compute units aren't a performance metric... when they are literally one of the components (the primary component) in measuring the theoretical max performance of a chip.. that's literally why the metric exists moron.. You ABSOLUTELY need to calculate the number of compute units to figure out the maximum theoretical performance of a chip... and the higher the number the more compute performance. PERIOD. Within architectures, it absolutely tells you the compute capabilities of one chip compared to
  2. No, just join the conversation about this topic happening a few topics below.
  3. Durrr.. no shit it's measured in TFs.. Xbox has more compute capability, thus the higher number. Where am I downplaying it? I said it's not accurate to compare between different generations or different architectures. That doesn't mean it's not important... it just doesn't tell the whole story... not all games will be compute bound.
  4. I'm not going to feel anything about that... Teraflops haven't been an accurate representation in the PC space since forever ago... like as if Nvidia and AMD TFs were ever comparable.. Xbox has more compute capability... that much is 100% fact. Not all games will be compute bound, however...
  5. PS5 version is coming at the beginning of September, grab it there if you're still interested. They've done a solid job mapping the controls to controller.
  6. Gawd damn. It might clear 700K today... This is definitely Larian's Witcher 3 moment. Funny thing is that Starfield is going to SMASH this. I bet Starfield reaches over 1M concurrent.
  7. It's scary how many young, seemingly fit people are collapsing/dying from heart related issues. A lot of people drink a lot of those damn energy drinks, and also mix them with alcohol, not to mention prescription drugs which are accidentally improperly used mixed. A lot of people also simply have heart conditions which go undetected since birth until later in life until it's too late. It's crazy. Lostfool, it's hard to know what to say in these kinds of situations as we really don't know each other.. but I'll tell you one thing.. you've got to not be so hard on yourself.. for y
  8. So damn cool that these accessibility features give so many more players a proper chance to compete. So much skill on his part.. like god damn. Awesome work by Capcom to enable this stuff.
  9. LMFAO Jerky in tatters.... Bitch actually thought I was "running to Starfield" I told that dumb bitch this game will sell millions and that the CCUs would be many MANY MANY times more than some old PS5 exclusive game no PC gamer cares about
  10. Banger's Gate 3 sitting at 94 meta currently (4 reviews, but still )
  11. Let's fucking GO! This is great news for KI.. and lends credence to there being a possibility of a new KI game developed by Iron Galaxy.
  12. Nope, I really don't care. I think I'm pretty good at posting a wide variety of stuff, and I typically don't post shit that's already on the front page. If I do post something already known... it's usually asking a specific question, or thoughts about a specific aspect of it... which is ultimately REALLY what the topic would be about.
  13. This is right on the first page But whatever, I'm not actually ribbing you about doing it... It was a harmless snarky comment 😗
  14. Why are you trying to post something that's been known for a long time already as if it's some new development?
  15. I can only tell you you're fucking stupid so many times, idiot First off This motherfucker actually thinks there's a sizable group of people who are playing this shit in couch co-op with people who aren't already Diablo fans with Battle.net accounts who bought the game! Console players account for ~1/3 of this games total sales Secondly.... the 10M sales figure doesn't come from their 10 million + players announcement, retard. It comes from their announcement that within the first 5 days.. the game had generated over $666M in revenue Even if you fi
  16. God Jerry is so fucking stupid So Jerry... what do you think the split for the platforms is going to be in America? In the US the difference will be even more in favor of the PC you fuckhead
  17. Didn't realize that. I thought these were online only at this point. Well then that all makes sense. Good numbers though.
  18. Hiw do you know its selling more currently?
  19. Currently, or launch aligned? Because Valve was limiting sales and not producing as many. Since then they've ramped up. If it's selling more currently.. then that's great news. The market is growing for these devices, and others are taking notice. The more competition the better.
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